Chapter Four

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"Well done (L/N)" you grinned widely at your success, you swore you saw the corners of Snape's lips twitch at the sight of your pride. "Ten points to Slytherin, you may go" striding over to his cluttered desk, he motioned towards the door for you to leave. Gathering your things you left the dark, cold room quickly making your way to the Slytherin common room. You were happy that you had somewhat proved yourself to the head of your house, being exceedingly good in the subject he taught was a huge plus. "Password?" the portrait asked, looking you up and down with a smirk "pureblood" you murmured in response looking at the beautiful design.

The portrait swung open, as you entered the common room you gained a couple of stares. Some starting to mutter about how you were a teachers' pet, ignoring them all you walked up to the girls' dorm. Alone in the dorm room, you threw off your uniform, speedily changing into a white button-up shirt underneath a green jumper along with a skirt and tights. Grabbing a book on magical creatures you walked back down to the shared space, taking a seat on the empty couch beginning to read. Turning page after page, the crackling of the fire and chattering of students kept you slightly sane as you delved deep into the quirks of each new being you read about.

A couple of hours had passed when suddenly you felt the couch dip down next to you, looking up from the book you had almost finished you made eye contact with a girl who had shoulder-length brown hair and stunning green eyes. "Hello" she smiled gently at you, holding a small jumper covered hand out for you to shake "My name is Hailey, it's nice to meet you" her voice was soft unlike most of the people in Slytherin house, who all sounded snotty and stuck up. Slightly confused you shook her hand, her fingertips were cold against your skin "I am (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you too" she took a minute to process what you said before jumping up. "Oh! You're the girl from America, everyone says that your a teachers' pet..." she exclaimed, trailing off slightly on the end as she looked into your eyes. A small laugh escaped you, you hadn't even been here a month and you had already been given the title of teachers' pet. "Yup that's me" you had a small sense that she was going to be different from all the other people in your house.

Luckily, you had finally made a friend that wasn't a teacher in the school. Hailey was strangely silly for a Slytherin, if you had met her outside of the common room you would have assumed she was a Hufflepuff. Apparently, she had been trying to befriend you since you had turned up at the school, as most people in the house bad-mouthed her for being 'too nice for a Slytherin'. It was refreshing from all the tension with Draco, occasionally you had to deal with a girl named Pansy who had a crush on him. For some reason, she assumed you were infatuated with the platinum-haired boy, although most girls were you certainly weren't. His approach to talking with you was uncomfortable.

"(Y/N)!" you heard Hailey shout not far from you in the hall, turning around you saw the girl who wasn't much shorter than you rushing over. Stifling a laugh you watched her trip over her uniform, sighing you walked over to your clumsy friend, holding a hand out for her. She rubbed her head laughing out of embarrassment as she took a hold of your hand, pulling her up you hugged her laughing. "You need to stop falling over yourself" you lectured with a smile as you pulled away, "I know" she whined looking at the floor. The two of you walked to your next lesson together, Defence Against The Dark Arts with Professor Lupin. He was slightly strange, but his teaching method was always fun.

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