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(Y/F/F) - Your favourite flower

Years had passed since you had first started dating Severus, every day better than the last. You had gotten a job at a potions shop on Diagon Alley called 'Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary', the idea of being a teacher was fun, you played with it during your final year but decided you didn't feel like you knew enough to become a professor at Hogwarts. They were the best of the best in your opinion.

Snow coated the streets outside of your humble home, string lights you had charmed littered the walls dimly lighting the living room. Sprawled out on the couch, your face was buried in the pages of another classic muggle poetry book. "Severus," You whined out softly, wanting his presence with you. "Yes, dear?" He questioned from the kitchen, he had been there for what felt like hours. When he realised you hadn't responded he let out a sigh, sauntering into the room with a curious look in his eye. Placing the book down on your chest you tilted your head up to look at him, leaning your neck on the armrest. "I missed you." You huffed out, he rolled his eyes, a soft chuckle leaving him as he walked around the couch.

Pulling your legs up he sat down before placing them on his lap, one of his hands resting atop your calf. "I was just in the other room darling." He reasoned, you shook your head with a smile, "It was too far, I needed you here." Just from behind him, you watched as snow cascaded outside the window, the Christmas tree you had placed just in front of it looking almost enchanting. "Look," You nodded your head towards the window, he reared his head to look over a smile tugging at his mouth. "Snow is just... Beautiful." You breathed out, he hummed in response, the two of you sat in silence enjoying the calm moment in your hectic lives.

Life had been a blur since you left school, yet in moments like this you felt like everything was fully at peace. When the battle of Hogwarts took place, you were almost certain you were going to lose Severus. You found him bloodied and bleeding on the steps, almost dead from a snake attack, you had no doubt it was Voldemort's doing. He had always found his way into trouble with the now-dead dark lord when he was alive.

Your eyes moved from the window to the raven-haired man, gratefulness and hope filling you. If you made it this far, you were sure with him by your side you would be able to do anything. Placing your hand on top of his, you gave it a small squeeze. His gaze turned to you, love pouring out of them like a waterfall. "(Y/N) I have something I need to ask you," You perked up, giving him your undivided attention. "What is it love?" Without a word he stood up, walking into the kitchen once more. Curiosity getting the best of you, you quickly followed behind.

The room was filled with (Y/F/F) enchanted to spin slowly while the mistletoe you hung was shining brightly, your heart fluttered as you took in the scene. It was gorgeous, enamoured by the display you hadn't taken notice of your partner, who was fixing the dark green jumper you had knitted for him. "This is... Severus- I-" Lost for words you turned towards him to see him on one knee, a black-stained mahogany box placed in the palm of his hand.

"(Y/N)... I have loved you for what feels like a thousand lifetimes, there isn't a single soul on this planet that will ever be able to understand the complexities of my emotions. However, I hope you can let me help you show you on a deeper level how I feel about you and I just needed to know," He opened the box to reveal a simple silver ring, a small emerald that was seamlessly melded into the metal placed perfectly in the centre. Joyful tears welled up in your eyes, your heart skipped a beat as you heard him take a deep breath. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" salty tears streamed down your pink cheeks, starting to slowly nod your head you soon picked up the pace. Stabilizing your uneven breathing you let out a nervous laugh, "I would love nothing more, my dear."

Flinging your arms around the tall man, you nestled your face in the crook of his neck. Serotonin flooded through you like the warmth of a roaring fireplace, after years of trust he finally felt comfortable enough to ask you the question you had always wanted to hear. Placing a light kiss on his neck, you began to trail your way up, peppering him with kisses. Moving back slightly you held out your left hand, watching as he slid the ring on your finger. "It's a perfect fit" You smiled, placing another small kiss on his lips. "Merry Christmas, my love." He smiled, "What a merry Christmas it is indeed, darling." you responded joyfully.

I hope you all enjoyed this Christmas chapter, I know it's November but it only felt right for there to be one in this book. You could take it as an epilogue if you would like :). Thank you all so much for reading this story and an extra special thanks if you came back to this old book just for this chapter. This story means a lot to me, whenever I need motivation to write I look at how well this book was received and it reminds me that there are lovely people like all of you who have enjoyed my work. You are all the sweetest, I hope you have all have a lovely holiday and I wish you all well.

- Author


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