Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone had left the dark potions room, it was just you and Severus sitting together in silence. He would spare you worried glances every so often while he graded his students' papers, suddenly standing up you walked over to him. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes with every step you took before finally enveloping him in a hug, he tensed before quickly wrapping his arms around you as you sobbed into his chest. Rubbing soothing motions on your back you felt him place a gentle kiss on the top of your head, "shh... what's wrong (Y/N)?" he murmured softly to you. However you just kept sobbing, the words wouldn't leave your throat no matter how hard you wanted to scream them. Pulling away from him you looked into his eyes, your heart sinking further as you watched him worriedly stare at your tear-stained face. "Can you... make me some tea?" it came as barely a whisper, but it was all that you could say.

Even after hours of sitting next to him, listening to him reading out loud, tea drinking and crying your eyes out some more. You still couldn't talk about how you felt, how Hailey's disappearance was affecting you. "(Y/N)... I know what's happened, Dumbledore sent us all owls. He has said you're allowed to not go to class for a few days, maybe even weeks if you wish. So you can stay here... if that's what you want" turning your head to look at Severus, you gave him a sad smile. "I want to stay at the common room... just in case." your heart ached knowing the possibility that she could come back and you wouldn't be there. He nodded, "Alright well you best be getting back now" he sighed before moving to stand up. Standing with him you followed him out of the cosy chambers into the dim classroom once more, right as his hand was about to open the potion room door you lightly held it in yours, placing a small kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Severus" you whispered, he gave you a small smile before opening the door, waving slightly as he watched you walk down the hall.

As you walked back to the common room all you could think about was Hailey, would she be there, was this all a joke. Every thought possible screamed into your room, causing you to almost walk right into the painting before you had even spoken the password. A voice behind you cleared itself, turning around you saw Draco with one eyebrow raised. "Pureblood" he stated, turning back around you watched the door roll her eyes before swinging open. Giving an awkward laugh you walked into the green and silver decorated common room. Looking around you frowned, 'No Hailey' you thought sadly before immediately going to the girls' common room to check if she was there.

Once you had opened the door, you frantically looked around the room only to feel your heart sink further into the pit of your stomach. She wasn't back. Making your way to your bed you fell onto it face first and screamed into a pillow. 'It's all my fault that she's gone' your tears kept streaming until you felt yourself drift to sleep.

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