Chapter Ten

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You laid in your bed staring at the silver tassels on your bed frame once again, your mind replayed the memory of Snape holding you close. It seemed impossible to sleep now, knowing that you could be sleeping in his arms instead of alone in your dorm room bed. 'It might be a bad idea but... should I...' you looked at the clock in your common room seeing it was half one in the morning, 'would he be up?' you asked yourself. Sitting up from your lonely bed you quietly got changed, slipping out of your dorm room you secretly escaped the Slytherin common room. Finding yourself scampering as silently as possible through to halls to the potions classroom, opening the door you enchanted it so that it would close without a noise.

Walking through the empty class you made your way to the door hidden at the back of the room, knocking gently you heard some rustling before a confused looking Snape answered the door. His gaze softened as he saw you, shaking slightly from the cold, "Silly girl... come in" his voice was deeper than usual, clouded with sleep as he made space for you to come through. Taking a couple of steps you found yourself in the mysterious chamber, looking around you heard the door close behind him. Your gaze shifted to the ebony-haired man who walked over to a small cupboard, pulling out a black fluffy looking blanket then making his way over to you. Looking up at him he gave you a small smile before placing the blanket over your shoulders, "You were shaking (Y/N)" he chuckled to himself before looking over at his couch. He gently took your hand, guiding you over so that you could sit down with him.

Dipping under your weight the couch comforted you more than you thought it would. Pulling the blanket from over your shoulders to on top of you, you felt your lips twitch into a smile. Snape sat on the other side of the brown three-seater, using a spell to light the fire in front the both of you before turning to look at you. His eyes moved from your (H/L) (H/C) hair, all the way down to your lips, a tired smile never leaving his features. You did the same, the way the fire reflected in his eyes entranced you in a way you never thought a person could. "(Y/N)" his solemn voice broke your trance causing you to pay immediate attention to what he was saying, "Yes?" you responded in a questioning tone, it was strange being like this with him but it was nice at the same time. You felt like you had known him for so many years though, in reality, the two of you had met only a matter of months ago.

"As much as I thoroughly enjoy the silence, is there anything you would like to speak about?" the question piqued your interest, giving him a fast nod. "I don't think you've ever actually told me your name, I haven't really heard it be said either" you tilted your head at him, his eyebrow raised slightly in surprise. "Well that's definitely strange, it is Severus" you smiled at the name, it was different to many you had heard. In its own way, it made you even more intrigued about him. No matter how hard you tried, you found yourself falling harder and harder for your potions professor. With every word he spoke you fell deeper for him, you just hoped he felt the same way about you.

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