Chapter Six

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"Miss (L/N), please focus" you were staring out a window as Professor Snape spoke, turning to look at him you saw him walk towards you. You were in the potions classroom, just the two of you as if you were doing tutoring but it was light outside. "Sorry professor" you muttered out looking into his black eyes as you took in his beauty, he placed one of his hands on your desk a small smile on his lips as he looked back into your (e/c) eyes. "Don't worry (Y/N) I just want you to focus on me" his words were like a gentle poison, his other hand moved up to hold your cheek. Turning bright red your breath hitched as he moved in, he closed his eyes kissing you softly.

Abruptly you sat up in bed, wide awake as you felt your heart beating out of your chest. Your mind racing with the thought of your professor, as you slapped your face to try and erase what you just dreamt of in hopes that you wouldn't end up in trouble. Nobody could know about this, not even Hailey. Looking at your alarm clock you noticed it was four in the morning, sighing you got up quietly changing into a set of warm clothes so that you could go on a late-night walk. Every time you had woken up in the middle of the night, you had avoided Filch while you went on a small stroll on the castle grounds.

Sneaking out of the common room you made your way to the astronomy tower as silently as possible, trying to keep your footsteps against the stone floors none existent. A couple of times you had almost ran into the janitor but had luckily escaped him. Finally sitting down you stared up at the beautiful stars, the view calming you down almost managing to remove the dream from your mind. A couple of hours passed as you stared at the sky above, so lost in thought that you didn't hear the footsteps coming up the tower steps. "(L/N)" a voice spoke in a stern tone, turning around you met a set of eyes you knew too well. Your face flushed red out of embarrassment as you lost the ability to speak, "I hope you have a good reason as to why you're out of bed." Professor Snape glared at you, venom dripping off every word that rolled off his tongue.

"W-w-well you see sir-" you stuttered out trying to figure out an excuse that would get you out of trouble, finally coming up with one you deemed good enough. "Well sir I was studying under the stars for my O.W.Ls, you see I must have lost track of time... speaking of which sir what time is it?" your excuse gained an irritated sigh from the professor, "I would prefer if you didn't lie to me miss (L/N), as me and you both know there is a clock on the wall behind you" he snapped at you, Mentally face-palming you looked over to see it was now six. Groaning you held your head in your hands as you watched him speedily walk over to you, crouching down in front of you. "As your head of house, however, I would like you to know that you may come to me if you are dealing with anything" his tone changed to a sincere one. You caught a glint of worry in his eye although he quickly cleared his throat, "though I still have to give you detention." he added soon after earning a heavy sigh from you giving him a nod of regret.

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