Chapter Thirty Six

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You sat in the library with your green-eyed friend, trying to explain the potions work the best you could. For once, you felt like you were actually putting your knowledge to good use. Smiling when she got something right, trying to reassure her that she was working insanely well with your teaching methods. "This was so hard before, thank god my best friend is a prodigy" she laughed, you felt a spark of motivation run through you, a wide smile finding its way onto your cheeks. "Why thank you, thank you! I do try my hardest" you jokingly gloated to her, only to be shushed by Madam Pince, immediately hushing your voices you both giggled quietly together.

Hours passed by, the two of you working through Hailey's mountain of study work before lunch finally rolled around. You heard your stomach rumble as you sat at the table, "You're working me to the bone here woman" you whined out to your friend, plating up your meal as fast as possible so that you could chow down. Enjoying your meal with your friend, you found yourself zoning out while staring at Severus from across the room. His serious expression never left his face as he conversed with the other teachers, occasionally glancing to look out at the other students, 'they're probably talking about grades' you joked with yourself.

Snapping out of your gaze, you noticed most of the students had filed out of the great hall already heading off to do their business. Mostly studious Ravenclaws, they seemed to file out before the other students did. Finishing up, you stood up from the table, excusing yourself from Hailey. "I'm gonna go do some work with Snape" you lied, she caught on quickly giving you a smile which was quickly followed by a shooing motion.

Rushing out of the great hall, you started walking over to the potions classroom that doubled as his study. You waited for a short while to make sure he would be there, daydreaming out of a courtyard window with your head in your hands. Once you were certain, you practically skipped to the classroom with a small smile on your face. Knocking on the door you knew so well, you awaited the deep voice of Severus to seep through the cracks. "Come in" you heard him speak, his voice louder than usual.

Opening the door, you were surprised to not see just Severus, but also Remus. They both seemed to be slightly dishevelled as if they had gotten into an argument about something. Lupin chuckled at the sight of you, "Oh! Professor Lupin" you smiled at him kindly, catching him off guard, "Hailey is looking for you, I believe she's in the library" you lied through your teeth. Worried about what they may have been discussing, Severus raised his eyebrow at Remus in a taunting manner as he saw the professor perk up. "Oh- right- well, I'll discuss this with you later, Severus." with that the chocolate lover swiftly escaped the potion room, closing the door behind him with an awkward smile.

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