Chapter Fourteen

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It was around one in the morning and Hailey still hadn't come back to the common room. You had been waiting by the fire, reading a book while every so often checking the time. Standing up from your seat you went to your dorm room, you hadn't changed out of your uniform yet as you were worried. Throwing on a grey hoodie and some jeans you made your way back down to the common room quietly, trying not to wake anyone as you walked down the steps of the girls' dormitories. Noticing a shivering figure now sat facing away from you, silently making your way closer you noticed it was Draco, but he was soaking wet.

'Has he been in the rain?' taking another step the floor betrayed you, creaking under your body weight causing the blonde to snap his head around in fright. He looked like he had been crying, 'today must be bad for everyone' you mentally sighed as you grabbed a blanket, draping it over his shoulders before taking a seat next to him. Silence overcame the both of you as he stared into your (E/C) eyes while you looked at the fire, not wanting to start a conversation. Picking up your book you turned to the page you had bookmarked, continuing to read its contents as he watched you. A couple of minutes passed before he broke the silence, "why are you awake?" his voice was barely a murmur as you looked up to meet his steely gaze, "that's none of your concern" silence fell again at your harsh reply continuing to flip the pages of the intriguing book.

Two in the morning rolled by, at this point, you had realised that if Hailey was going to come back she would already be here. Standing up to go back to the girls' dorms you looked back down at Draco, giving him a swift nod goodnight before leaving. Changing into some pyjama shorts you laid down in your bed, the tassels mesmerising you as they did every time something or someone was on your mind. Letting your thoughts wander you felt yourself slowly drift into a dreamless sleep.

The day passed by as it normally did, except Hailey hadn't turned up to any of the classes you had together. Fred and George had been following you around like lost puppies, asking you during free periods if you had seen her yet or if you had any idea where she was. All of you got more concerned as the day passed by. At one point you had checked the infirmary, but to your dismay, no one had seen her there.

Potions had rolled around, the stress of being perfect was getting to you more than it ever had, your heart pounded against your chest as you felt your stomach turn. Severus had been watching you throughout meal times, making sure that you were eating. Now that he had to watch over you in a class he seemed even more concerned. "(L/N)" he yelled across the room, he might have been trying to keep up appearances but everyone was looking at you like you were a freak. 'Has he been asking me questions?' looking at him in pure confusion you saw his gaze soften, "Pay attention. Detention after class for not following directions." his voice was quick as he looked away probably to mark some students work. Looking around you noticed that everyone else had at least a paragraph written in the books, your heart dropped at the sight as you opened your book trying to catch up with everyone else's work.

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