Chapter Eleven

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Your eyes fluttered open to stare at an unlit fireplace, sitting up you saw that you had been covered over with an extra blanket. Smiling softly you turned your head to look over at the bed to see if Severus was there, though your smile wavered when you realised he wasn't. Looking around you tried to find a clock, soon enough you spotted an old stained wooden clock on the mantel. Shifting the fuzzy blankets off of you, you carefully stood up wobbling slightly due to it being the first leg movement of the day. Checking the time you saw that it was six in the morning, 'He must be getting ready for his first class... wait' your eyes widened as you quickly rushed out of the room.

Much to your surprise you immediately bumped into him, stumbling back slightly you looked at him with worried eyes as he stared back at you. "(Y/N) It's a Saturday" he reminded calmly, raising a brow at you "If anyone asks just say you were in the hospital wing, now come back inside" his voice as perfect as ever had you mentally scolding yourself for being stupid. Whipping around on your heel you went back to the couch, when sitting down you needily grabbed the comfy black cushion your head was rested on while you slept, holding it tight against your chest. "Sorry for falling asleep" you murmured gaining a small chuckle from the potions teacher, who seemed to be making something in the corner. Your face lit up as a couple of minutes later he turned around, carrying over two cups of tea along with a pumpkin pastie precariously being balanced on his arm and wrist.

"I assumed you would be hungry as you have just woken up" he spoke while passing you the pastie, placing your cup of tea down on the coffee table continuing to hold his own in his hands as he sat down next to you. "So" you cleared your throat, "do you remember on the first day of tutoring... when you said that the marks could help with my chances of getting into a job I wanted" Severus seemed lost in thought for a moment before nodding slightly, a small hum coming from him almost instinctively. "Well, I don't think I had ever put thought into it until you brought it up" the confession seemed to shock him slightly as he looked at you with wide eyes, of course, it was most likely rational. You were one of- if not the best student in the year, even without the bias of the chemistry between you. Your grades spoke for themselves.

"Have you come to a decision?" curiosity laced his tone, placing one hand under your chin you gave a small shrug. "I used to want to be an Auror" you exhaled looking over at the dull fireplace, catching yourself deep in thought again on the subject. Though muttering out a small ramble about it, you felt Severus watch you intensely as you spoke on the matter, as if he wanted to say something he couldn't. After a while you let out a heavy sigh, biting into your pumpkin pastie as you glanced over at the time. You must have been talking about jobs for a good ten or fifteen minutes so you decided to just eat.

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