Chapter Nineteen

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'Mmm... warm' you sleepily thought, shuffling closer to Severus in your sleepy daze only to gain a quiet grunt from him. His arms wrapped a little tighter around you, "good morning (n/n)" he murmured into the crook of your neck. Smiling lightly you turned around to face him, resting your head on his chest. "Morning Sev" you responded quietly, tilting your head to look up at him. He rubbed his eyes with his hand before smiling down at you, "How did you sleep? we have to get up" he sounded slightly grumpy as he rolled away from you. "I slept amazingly" you giggled as you watched him get up and stretch slightly before following suit.

Once you had both gotten ready, Severus ushered you to his classroom where you proceeded to pretend he was tutoring you before class. Soon enough other students from your class piled in, including Hailey who instantly sat next to you. Due to your 'tutoring' and regular conversations with a particular professor, today's class was easier for you than it was for most students. Every so often you'd make eye contact with Snape, who was usually lecturing another student, which in your opinion could be funny at times. He would occasionally hit students lightly over the head with his potions book, always with the same stern expression that would turn into a small smirk.

Soon enough potions ended and you had to leave, reluctantly standing up from your seat you picked up your books before smiling at Severus as a silent goodbye. He gave you a short nod back before looking away dismissively, but you knew he wanted to hug you goodbye for the rest of the day. After all, the two of you had just slept together in the same bed after not seeing each other for a short while, you had missed him as he did you. 'Till later' your smile faded slightly as you walked out of the door with an ever so slightly hyperactive whiney Hailey.

Classes continued as usual until the end of the day came. You picked up your books for the final time today before leaving your last class, only to be surprised by a certain professor standing outside. "(Y/N)! Hello, would you come talk to me in my office?" it was Remus, who you honestly hadn't seen in a while, though you didn't truly know why. "Of course" you smiled brightly following the brunette to his enchanting office, "chocolate?" he asked kindly once you got there, holding out a piece of milk chocolate with a smile. Nodding you carefully took the chocolate from him before munching on it happily, "So Remus, why did you need me?" you questioned calmly. It wasn't unlike him to randomly request you, but it had been quite a while since he had.

Silence fell over the two of you, you didn't like the tension that had suddenly built. He finally let out a heavy sigh, "I hate that I even have to question you about this... however" his voice seemed sterner than usual, he didn't seem like his usual calm self. "Are you romantically pursuing Professor Snape?" your eyes widened as you looked at the Remus. 'Oh no'.

Tutoring | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now