Chapter Two

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You had been going to Hogwarts for a couple of days, over the small period of time you had learnt your timetable as well as the name of the boy who stared at you in the hall which was 'Draco Malfoy'. He had attempted to talk to you a handful of times, the conversations you had were brief and to the point. Mostly about homework, once he had awkwardly attempted flirting with you thinking that you were into him at all. In all honesty, you preferred to stay alone so the attempts were more annoying than anything. Although you didn't find comfort in most peoples presence or words in the school, your potions teacher Snape had managed to gain your trust. His voice sounded like a calming lullaby while he was teaching, though you noticed most students' distaste for him, it wasn't like he was a bad professor. He just had some strange methods.

As you walked into the potions classroom you took your seat close to the front giving a small smile to the ebony-haired teacher, he glanced at you giving you a short nod before continuing to set up the lesson. Although you were always fifteen minutes early Snape didn't ever seem to mind you, you were always reading something about potions or writing down notes for your O.W.Ls. "I hope your studying pays off miss (l/n)" you heard him murmur as he put the potion ingredients on your desk, "I do too, I'm hoping for all O's" you responded sincerely. It was true, your parents pressured you to be one of the best students at Ilvermorny and you weren't about to ruin your reputation at Hogwarts. "I'm sure you will do just fine" he affirmed as he moved on to the next desk, you gave a small nod before reading up on liquid luck from a book you had rented at the library earlier.

The rest of the day went by as normal, you walked back to your common room after classes as you always did. Sadly, you were followed by a certain platinum blonde-haired boy who decided it was his time to bother you. "Hello (Y/N)" he smirked, raising an eyebrow as he awaited your response, "Hello Malfoy, again, please call me (L/N)" you sighed, holding your books closer to your chest. He continued to pester you even when you were reading on the couch in the common room, groaning you got up and quickly made your way to the girls' dorms to be alone. Surprised to see your owl (O/N) perched on the top of your bedpost with a note in her beak, sitting down on your bed you pet the spot next to you for her to fly down.

(O/N) flew elegantly down, dropping the black envelope into your lap. Opening it carefully, you read the note in intrigue, 'Dear (L/N), I apologise for the sudden owl however, I would like you to start staying after potions on Fridays for tutoring. As I know it you are already extremely well informed on the subject, therefore I would enjoy teaching you more on this to assure you will pass your O.W.Ls. I have already discussed this matter with Dumbledore and he has agreed that it would be a good idea, Regards Professor Snape.' Taking in the information, you carefully placed the note in the drawer of your nightstand. After a short while, you decided to write a note back to the potions teacher, agreeing upon the Friday tutoring, a smile never leaving your face as you did so. 'Snape is an amazing teacher' you thought as you sent (O/N) off with the letter.

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