Chapter Eighteen

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It had gotten quite late while the two of you talked, both of you had lost track of time due to the amount you had to talk about. Even if it had only been two days, you didn't see each other at all. On top of that, you had found your friend almost dead, which was an entire topic on its own. You spilt your guts throughout the night about how guilty you felt, about things you thought you could have said to her. Severus listened to every single one, no matter how stupid, continuously reassuring you that it was perfectly normal to feel the way you were.

"(Y/n)" he stopped while staring at the clock on his mantel, "it's two in the morning" you stood up in shock at the information before making your way to the door. Though before you could leave you felt Severus' arms wrap around your waist from behind, holding you as close to him as he could. "Please stay" he murmured softly, turning your head you noticed a look of worry in his eyes. Nodding in agreement you turned to face him, placing your palms to his chest as you flashed him a smile. "Alright" you agreed, your heart started to beat fast as you noticed him lean in slightly.

Leaning in with him you felt your lips collide in a gentle kiss, it was full of passion. You melted into it and even though it was mere seconds it felt like an hour. It felt as if the world around you had ceased to exist as if nothing really mattered except right there and now. You felt your heart explode with emotions as you pulled away slowly, staring into his eyes which held a small glimmer you couldn't place. You stayed there for a minute, staring at each other as if you were looking into the others soul.

All too soon you felt his arms leave your waist, walking to a wardrobe in his Chambers. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you waited for him, wondering what he was doing. After a short while of comfortable silence, Severus hummed lightly before walking back over to you, placing an oversized jumper into your arms. "I hope you don't feel too uncomfortable with this, but I don't have anything you can wear on your lower half" he spoke in a nervous tone, most likely not wanting to offend you. Giggling lightly you nodded, holding a smile as you watched him go back to the wardrobe, most likely to grab himself something to wear.

Once you had both taken turns getting changed in the bathroom in the chambers, you cuddled up together in his bed. Your head rested comfortably on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing. Not long after you heard him snoring lightly, 'cute' you thought smiling to yourself. Closing your eyes you slipped away into one of the best nights of sleep you'd had in years.

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