Chapter Nine

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You had visited Remus on a regular basis, mostly after tutoring to calm yourself down with a hot chocolate, even not you still would come to him with questions that would bother you. Luckily he didn't mind you visiting at all, the first few times you would continuously apologise about bothering him until he finally told you that he enjoyed your presence. There had been a few times where you had discussed Snape, Remus apparently didn't have an amazing past with the potions professor. When he was younger Lupin's friends had tormented him ruthlessly, much against his continuous protesting on doing so. The more you asked about Remus the more you were intrigued about him, how he dealt with his life the way he did was very amazing to you.

Hailey had been growing suspicious of the two of you, she had been trying to hang out with you more even though she had failed countless times. She would ask to hang out but would be miraculously pulled away by Fred and George before she had the chance to ask you anything about your talks with Lupin. You didn't tell her what they were about, you didn't feel like she needed to know as it was something you liked to keep private.

Walking down the hall you entered the potions classroom without knocking only to meet the sight of Snape holding his head in his hands tightly, rapidly muttering to himself. Quietly you moved closer to him hoping to possibly eavesdrop on his thoughts, "I can't have feelings for a student... she can't know... her (E/C) hold the same look as Lilly's always did..." a pencil snapped under your foot catching the two of you off guard. His head shot up as he looked into your eyes, his face going pale before he quickly cleared his throat standing. "(Y/N), you didn't knock" he seemed scattered as he tried to gain his composure, pretending to sort books on his desk. "I heard everything" you shifted your weight to your other foot as the black-haired man froze on the spot, "(Y/N), I don't know what you're talking about" his face turned red from embarrassment as he realised he was calling you by your first name. "Oh? Lilly. As in... Lilly Potter?" your eyes met his black ones, he looked as if you had revealed his darkest secret to him.

"Well about that-" you cut him off quickly "She was beautiful professor." caught off guard by your remark he simply nodded, placing down the books he walked towards you much slower than usual. He looked as if he was physically walking on eggshells, when he finally stood before you he reached out his hand. Flinching slightly at the thought of him hitting you, you saw a look of worry flash across his face. "Please just... trust me" he muttered before running a calloused hand through your (H/C) hair, a rare smile appearing on his face as he looked into your eyes. "She may have been beautiful..." he took in a breath, "but you are the most stunning human being I have ever seen" he looked away shyly as his cheeks burned a rosy shade.

Your heart pounded as you moved slightly closer to him, carefully wrapping your arms around his torso to rest your head on his chest. Closing your eyes you listened to his heartbeat which seemed to only get faster as the seconds passed. Exhaling softly you felt his arms wrap around you, holding you tightly close to him. "Please don't tell anyone about this" he spoke softly, you let out a quiet hum of agreement as you enjoyed every second of the hug.

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