Chapter Twenty Nine

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Calm, comfortable, ecstatic, were the only three words you could use, to sum up how you'd felt the past few months. You'd spent every moment you could by Severus' side, you had luckily avoided the gaze of most of the teachers, though, of course, Remus had already found out he seemed to have kept it to himself. Faster than you'd thought, the winter had made its descent upon the bustling school, which meant a couple of things were going to have to be taken care of. One being if you were going to see Severus over the Christmas holiday, the other... Well... Who you were going to go to Hogsmead with. You couldn't exactly drag your potions professor with you.

Gazing out the window of the D.A.D.A classroom, you felt yourself drift off into a world of your own thoughts. Today's lesson was practical, as per usual for Lupin's teaching methods. He always wanted to get the students involved, always double-checking if students knew the spells they were using; especially if they were ones meant for daily use. Although due to your last personal encounter with the chocolate-loving man, you've found yourself talking far less in classroom situations. You were simply glad it didn't affect your grades.

Suddenly a paper bird flew in front of you, pecking your hand lightly awaiting for you to open it. Carefully opening your palm the bird landed, lightly stroking its head you unfolded the spellbound paper, inside held a small amount of neat handwriting. 'Dear (Y/N), I know we do not speak often however I was wondering if you would go to Hogsmead with me - Draco.M'. Looking over at the platinum blonde-haired boy, a small smile fell on your lips as you caught him glancing over at you with a hint of nervousness. 'Going with him is probably better than going alone' you weighed up the pros and cons of going with him, after a short while you gave him a small nod to show him that you accepted his offer.

Watching carefully you saw a small smile perk up onto his lips, not long after he returned the nod of approval and went back to murmuring with Goyle about something or other. After what felt like actual years the class had finished, packing your things you hurried to make your way out of the classroom, rushing down to the potions classroom for your 'tutoring' with Severus. You basically skipped all the way to the classroom, receiving strange looks from passing by students who couldn't understand why you were so happy. Especially the few which knew who your tutor was, though arguable it wasn't many that did. Knocking on the old dreary door for what seemed like the millionth time you waited eagerly to hear the voice of your lover, "Come in" you heard from the other side. Letting yourself in you grinned happily at the tar haired man before you, some of your unexplained happiness rubbing onto him slightly as you saw him crack a smile at the sight of you.

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