Chapter Thirty Two

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The walk through the halls was quiet, neither of you wanting to show any kind of indication that you were closer than just a regular student and professor relationship. Luckily, not many people were out in the halls at this time, mostly just Ravenclaws heading back from the library or Gryffindors bickering with each other about the next stupid thing they would do in class. You stared down at the ground as you walked, making sure to keep a small distance between the two of you, hovering slightly behind him as if you were trying to catch up to him. His black cloak dragged across the ground behind him as he strode, "(L/N)" perking up you looked at Severus in confusion before registering that you weren't alone. "Yes, professor?" you replied inquisitively, your mind pondering what you may be able to talk about so freely in the halls.

"Have you thought about what I asked you during our first tutoring session?" his midnight eyes gazed back at you, a hint of curiosity glinting through before looking back forward to the halls ahead. This question had you lost in thought for a moment, continuing behind at a slightly slower pace. 'I know I said I used to want to be an Auror... but after all this time' the idea of being a professor at Hogwarts or Ilvermorny didn't seem too terrible to you now, if you were being truthful with yourself it felt almost right. "I've thought about it a bit" you responded bluntly, it wasn't in a harsh tone however, more soft and lost. Your mind hadn't fully been made up, but you had finally noticed that being a professor could be an actual option for you.

For the rest of the walk, you remained silent, continuing to contemplate becoming a professor at a wizarding school. You knew you could be a potions master easily, you had the skills. Everybody knew you had the skills. You may not have originated from Hogwarts, but you quickly became the person the other people in your year came to for help on a potion. Whether that was making it or researching it, you always seemed to know what to do to help.

Finally, after what felt like a millennium, you found yourselves at the foot of the forbidden forest. You couldn't help but feel a small smile tug onto your lips at the thought of being able to be yourself with Severus once more, even if it had been mere minutes since you had been alone. You were itching for his touch, to feel his rough hands against yours, swaying as you walked side by side. You saw him glance down at you with a look of approval, clearly proud of your acting. As if he heard your thoughts, the black-haired man gently took your hand in his, tugging you lightly to follow him into the forest. Feeling your heart skip a beat, you followed immediately your smile turning into a full-blown grin.

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