Chapter Twenty Four

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Recoiling into your seat you stared down at the desk before you, tears threatening to spill like they did every night in your dorm room. You let out a heavy breath before making eye contact with the professor, "It won't happen again Severus" standing up you quickly gathered your things before leaving the stunned potions master to his thoughts. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you ran through the halls to Lupins office, it had been a long while since you had seen him outside of classroom activities and currently it seemed only right to go to him. He already had suspected your feelings for Snape, though you hadn't come clean. 'I have to tell him the truth' you thought finally standing in front of the door to the professors' office.

You balled your fist, knocking loudly on the door so that he would definitely hear you. You could hear some shuffling until suddenly the door opened, Remus seemed surprised to even see you before his expression became worried. "Oh god (Y/N) come right in" he spoke as he rushed you into the room before using a charm to close the door after you. Sitting down amongst the mess of books on the floor you stared down at your feet, feeling embarrassed about the fact this was even happening. You could hear him quietly shuffling around in the background for a short while before he came over to you, handing you steaming hot chocolate with a kind smile.

"Now then" he charmed a wooden chair to come over to him, carefully sitting down he looked at you worriedly. "Remus..." you muttered looked down at the drink he made you, "I don't deserve this..." looking back at him you frowned, furrowing his eyebrows he shook his head. "You absolutely deserve it! I mean look at you you've been crying!" he exclaimed reassuring you, you let out a sigh starting to shake your head. "No, I don't... Remus I lied to you..." you confessed before once again moving your gaze away from the professor. Lupin let out a nervous chuckle before putting his hand on your shoulder, you flinched in response moving away slightly as a tear dripped into your hot chocolate.

His smile faltered as his expression became more serious, "(Y/N) you know I hate pressuring you for answers however if this is a serious matter I need you to tell me what you lied to me about." He leaned forward placing his hot chocolate on the floor next to him. 'This will only ruin your reputation... Stop what you're doing...' the voice in your head had finally come back, shaking your head vigorously you looked him dead in the eyes. "Professor Lupin, I had a romantic relation with Severus Snape," you stated in a small panic, his eyes widened and his jaw hung slightly agape. You jumped as you heard him start laughing profusely, "I knew it!" he chuckled wiping a singular tear from his eye, "I'm sorry my dear (Y/N) it was just too obvious" he spoke finally calming down from his laughing fit.

Rage. That was the only word that could describe your emotions as you darted out of his office. Storming to your common room, you pushed past everyone in your way until you made it to the door. "Fucking pureblood" you spat, the door sneered at you as it opened. Running inside you headed straight to your dorm where you collapsed once again onto your bed.

Screaming into your pillow, at the fact you had hidden away from everything for no reason whatsoever. 'The teachers here probably didn't give a single shit we were dating! and I just went and ruined everything!' you continued to rant in your mind until suddenly everything stopped. Every thought in your mind, every emotion you had. You felt yourself choke slightly on your tears before finally letting out a sob, letting out every bad feeling you had felt for the past two months. 'I'm all you need' the voice murmured softly to you, "you're all I need" you muttered in response.

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