Chapter Thirty Eight

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You spent your time with Severus as usual, talking, drinking tea, cuddling, before you had to leave to go back to your dorm. You couldn't have walked slower to the Slytherin common room if you tried, dragging your feet with every step. Students that passed you seemed confused, most ending up minding their own business as they continued on their way. Dreading tomorrow with every second you let out a frustrated groan as you got to the entrance, staring at it with a look of distaste before muttering the password. Walking into the common room, you slumped up to your dorm room, refusing to talk to anyone as you got changed and slid into bed.

Waking up the next morning was the last thing you wanted to do, letting out a tearless sob you rolled out of your bed before going through your suitcase to find something warm to wear. Hogsmeade was known for being colder than Hogwarts grounds, you didn't want to catch a cold or even risk Draco trying to give you his scarf. Walking to the bathroom you got changed into your fresh undergarments, layering a black tank top, a black long-sleeved shirt and a green, oversized hoodie, simply wearing some black straight-legged jeans on your bottom half with tights underneath. You were not taking any risks at all. Going back to your dorm room, you grabbed a tote bag along with your house scarf you'd had stashed away at the bottom of your suitcase.

Making your way to the common room you saw Draco waiting for you, book in hand about something or other. As if on cue, he looked up from the book to catch your gaze, his intense stormy eyes trying to gaze into your soul like they were cracking a code. Rolling your eyes, you strode over to the platinum blonde boy, standing in front of him with your arms crossed you waited for him to be done with his business. Simply dropping the book on the couch, he stood up giving you a smirk as he gestured for the two of you to set off. Students were slowly filing out of the common room anyways, either to go on with their day or head to Hogsmeade like you were.

You tried your hardest not to groan the entire journey there, internally cursing yourself for agreeing to go with him. On the upside, however, you had noted that Severus said he was going to be looking over the trip with Professor McGonigal, much to her surprise. He never seemed to enjoy the visits, mostly as no one would accompany him on them. On the way to the little village you devised a plan, you were going to 'accidentally' bump into the professor and ask him if you could talk about the potions work you did in your last class. Of course, him being your tutor was an insanely lucky thing at this point, it gave you options if you wanted to escape people. Which in this case, just so happened to be Malfoy.

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