Chapter Twenty Eight

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For a moment he seemed shocked to even get an apology out of you, but it wasn't long until you felt his arms wrap around you in a warm loving embrace. He peppered the top of your head with kisses as he held you tight to him, "I'm sorry as well darling" he softly murmured in your ear before lightly kissing your cheek. He pulled away after a few minutes of comforting you, staring into your (E/C) eyes with the same caring gaze he used to, not like the angry one he had only a day ago. A wave of relief flooded you as you grabbed him by the collar, burying your head into his chest as you felt a silent sob leave you. All your emotions flooded to the surface one by one as he comforted you, gently rubbing your back as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

"It's okay my love, let it all out. I'm here for you now" Severus played lightly with your hair, rocking you gently from side to side. After a short, while you let out a small, heavy breath before feeling a light smile tug on your lips at the feeling of his arms around you. Not soon after you turned once more to look at his face, seeing a look of pure worry and concern for you, as if you were slowly withering away in his arms piece by piece. Carefully you placed a cold hand on his pale cheek, watching a smile twitch onto his face as he leaned into the gesture. "Whatever shall I do with you, my dear?" he quizzed rhetorically, picking you up gently he planted a small kiss on your forehead before making his way to his chambers that you knew all too well.

He laid you down on his bed as soon as possible, hurrying to make you a cup of tea. It felt nice to feel again. Even if you heard the voice scream at you every time you had a fuzzy thought, it was good to be in Severus' life again. Though you would never know how truly long it would be until you would be taken away from each other, you were happy at just the thought of being with him for as long as you could. Tugging at your sleeves you looked around the familiar room, feeling yourself subconsciously lay down on the bed you stared up at the ceiling. Smiling at the memory of Severus holding you through the night, as you calmly dreamed.

Your reminiscing came to an end as you heard a particular man clear his throat, looking over you saw him holding two cups of tea along with some biscuits. Your heart warmed at the sight, you could almost feel yourself setting on fire as you stood up. Making your way to the couch, you plopped down on the comfortable cushions, eagerly awaiting for your love to sit next to you. The couch dipped slightly as he took his seat, handing you your cup of tea as he placed the tray of biscuits between you. You were certain this is what love was, being able to sit in perfect silence knowing that no matter what happened you would have each other.

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