Chapter Twenty Five

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It was around six in the morning as you groaned, rolling out of your comfy bed. Stretching your limbs you let out a sigh, before rummaging in your trunk for your green jumper, some black jeans and a pair of grey socks. Once you had finished changing, you slipped on your shoes, hurling a small satchel bag over your shoulder. Quietly sneaking out of your dorm room, you crept down the stairs. Trying your hardest not to wake up any of your housemates.

Today, like most days, you thought about the dream you had during your now precious four hours of sleep, while you silently scurried through the Slytherin common room. Making sure to hide behind columns every time you'd heard footsteps, you made your way to the outskirts of the forbidden forest. Rummaging through your tatty brown satchel you pulled out a (f/c) pouch, placing it on your lap as you carefully began to roll a cigarette. Once done you put the pouch back into the bag before pulling out a small blue lighter, trying to light the cigarette between your lips. The lighter struggled a couple of times due to the flint giving out, it took around four strikes for a flame to finally appear.

You felt your throat burn as you took the first hit, taking it back you waited a second before exhaling the smoke. Watching it cascade in pretty grey-white patterns as you continued to smoke. 'Finally' you thought to yourself, basically collapsing onto an old wooden bench. Staring up at the sky, you felt a lot smaller than you did just a moment ago. Everything seemed to disappear as you searched for shapes in the lumpy white clouds. 'Dolphin... Oh, that one looks like a duck... And that one kind of resembles a bat' not realising the smile that slowly appeared on your face, you continued to do this for the next thirty minutes.

'AHEM' You jumped slightly, turning your head to the side only to make eye to eye contact with the teacher you had been avoiding for the past four months. "Miss (L/N), what do you think you're doing out here at this time?" his voice struck you like a dagger in the heart, as you blankly stared into his ebony eyes. You turned away not giving him a response, once again staring at the clouds above. It was harder than you'd like it to be, seeing him was harder than you'd like it to be, hearing his voice was harder than you'd like it to be. 'Come on... Just ignore him' the voice whispered, you did as it said. Making sure to block out any emotion that tried to slip its way past your facade.

You felt your arm get tugged, your body jolting with the movement as you once again made eye contact with the potions master. Clenching your teeth you forced a glare, "Leave me the fuck alone Snape" you hissed at him. Though, you didn't expect to feel your already broken heart rip more as you saw only pure hatred in his eyes. The venom that seemed to seethe from his very being, at the words you had used to force him away. "Who are you?" he asked rhetorically before storming off, hearing his feet stomp against the grass and dirt as you felt the words sink deep into the pit of your stomach.

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