Chapter Sixteen

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"(Y/N)! Wake up!" you heard an uncannily familiar voice say, shooting up you looked into a pair of green eyes you thought you'd never see again. Grabbing her you pulled Hailey into your arms, she was wearing the same jumper she was when you met, her hands still covered by the sleeves. "Hailey I thought I'd never see you again" you sobbed, it felt too good to be true, her being back and in your arms. Seeing her again was all you needed to make you feel better, you felt her laugh as you messed up her hair, "I missed you". Suddenly everything went black.

Fluttering your eyes open you felt a tear run down your cheek. Hailey wasn't here, she wasn't back. Sitting up in your bed you looked around noticing a letter on your nightstand with a bar of chocolate placed next to it, picking it up you carefully opened it.

'Hello (Y/N), I hate to ask this of you during this time. However, I would enjoy your company as I haven't seen you in some time, please swing by after classes or whenever you feel fit. From your dear friend Lupin

P.S. Here's some chocolate, it will make you feel better.'

Placing down the letter you stood up, going over to your trunk you threw on a black button-up shirt, tie, oversized jumper and some shorts before making your way to the girls' bathrooms. After freshening up and brushing your teeth, you walked to Remus's classroom. Every hall felt more empty than it did when Hailey was around, everything was worse now. Nothing seemed to matter anymore without her around. She was the first person to ever be truly nice to you in this school, what was the point in staying around without her. 'I have to find her.' you thought, turning on your heel you marched to the courtyard. You were going to find her.

You searched every place you could think of, the courtyard, the astronomy tower, every classroom, every secret place. You asked every person you saw, Filch, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors. At one point you had even asked Fred and George, though you knew they were just as worried as you were. Finally taking a deep breath you decided to search the only place you hadn't, every step felt like a drag as you made your way up to the Owlery. If she wasn't here, she could only be at the bottom of the black lake or in the dark forest. Shaking the thoughts from your head you picked up the pace. Surely she had to be here.

You were basically running by the time you had gotten to the top, your heart racing as you scanned the room before stopping. There she was, lying in a corner. Running over you pulled her into your arms only to notice a truth you didn't want to believe. Moving away you placed your fingers to her neck, you looked for her pulse only to find it was extremely slow. Picking her up you stumbled down the steps trying to get to the infirmary as fast as possible, minutes turned into what felt like hours as you tried to make sure Hailey would live to see another day.

Practically falling into the Infirmary you stared at Madame Pomfrey in fear as she looked over in horror before hurrying over to help you, setting Hailey into a bed you sat in the seat next to her while the nurse worked. "Please... just give me this one..." you whispered, barely loud enough to hear as you watched over your best friend. You couldn't lose her, not like this.

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