Chapter Thirty One

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Sauntering back to behind his desk he sat down before spreading out a couple of papers, "Today my dear, we have to go into the forest and search for these... ingredients" this wasn't the first time the two of you had done this. In fact, it had become a monthly thing to go to the woods with him to get some kind of herb, it was still creepy but at least it meant you could actually see the forbidden forest. You thought it was kind of beautiful, the dark trees that reached out to the sky and the jagged rocks sprawled about almost everywhere. It was something not every student in the school got to see. Truthfully, it was one of your favourite places to walk with Severus. After a while, the astronomy tower, the classroom and Severus' study all got boring; the forbidden forest was always a nice thing to shake things up, on top of that it was one of the few places the two of you could hold hands without worrying about a student telling their parents.

Preparing to leave the classroom, you made sure you had packed everything you needed for your venture into the woods. Obviously, you needed your wand, along with a pair of protective gloves in case the Ingredients weren't safe for skin contact. Glancing over at Severus you felt a small smile tug on your lips, you had been so concentrated on gathering your things that you hadn't looked at him for a little while. His eyes were focused as his hands moved swiftly, flipping from page to page of a book specialising in potion-making. 'He never stops... it's admirable really' your quiet thoughts rumbled with lovesick questions you hadn't quite yet stopped and asked yourself. 'Where will we be in a few years? will we end up with kids?... do I want kids?' your thoughts continued as you zoned out staring at the desk in front of you with a content smile.

Sooner than you'd thought, you felt yourself being lightly shaken by your darling Snape. Staring up at him confused you felt your face heat up at the pure look of love in his eyes, he didn't look at you like this when you were in front of people. It always made your heart pound so hard against your chest it would feel like it was about to explode into star matter. "Shall we dear?" his face held a small smile, his hand extended kindly out to you as an offer. Placing your cold hand in his you felt his fingers interlock with your own, a grin spreading on your face as you placed a small kiss on his cheek. "We shall!" you exclaimed happily, the two of you walked towards the old door of the potions room.

Standing in front of the wooden contraption, you glanced into Severus' onyx eyes as you unlaced your fingers. Leaning up towards him you wrapped your arms around his neck, passionately kissing him so that the walk on the way to the forest would feel a little more bearable. His hands met your waist as he reciprocated the kiss, it was electrifying, to say the least. Slowly the two of you pulled away, foreheads touching as you stared into the other's eyes neither of you wanting to move from a place you knew you were safe from your peers.

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