Chapter Thirty Five

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Finally, Hailey finished talking about her time with the chocolate-loving professor. Looking into your eyes, she gave you a soft, shy, lovesick smile. "You understand right?..." her words came out in an anxious tone, worried that you would tell another professor about the situation. 'Remus didn't tell her about me and Severus' his loyalty warmed your heart slightly, you were glad he understood the pain he must have caused. "Of course I do, I fully understand" you reassured her, a smile on your face the entire time, reaching out you held her hands, squeezing them lightly.

Seeming to understand your words she quickly jumped on you, wrapping her arms tightly around you as she nuzzled her face into your shoulder. "I'm so lucky to know you (Y/N)" she said, her voice genuine and true. You carefully wrapped your arms around her small body, your smile growing as you held your best friend in your arms, staring up at the ceiling of the common room. "You know how me and Snape have tutoring on Fridays?" you asked, still holding her in your arms as you cuddled, "Yeah- oh wait-" she gasped, looking up at you from your arms with a look of surprise. Soon, it melted into a look of understanding, everything made sense now.

"It's been almost a year now I think... I really love him" it felt like a weight was lifted off your chest, finally, you had told someone who wouldn't make fun of you for how you felt. She could fully understand the depth of your worry, the fear of someone finding out and never being able to see each other again. The power the other students held over your relationship, the amount you would do to keep him by your side. She understood all of it, and you were so glad it wasn't anybody else.

You both stayed there the entire night, just talking about your feelings for the men you had accidentally fallen head over heels in love with. Not caring about the sleep you were missing out on. You were both simply glad to have your best friend back, nothing else that night mattered to either of you, except your boys of course. You talked until the other students started to come down to the common room from the dorm rooms, both heading back to the dorm rooms to get dressed into your casual wear. You had decided to spend the rest of the day with Hailey, then hang out with Severus in the night.

Walking to breakfast together, you noticed the eyes of a blonde boy you knew all too well gazing over at you in the hallway. Smiling, you gave him a small wave that he very swiftly returned, almost brushing it off. Once you had made it to the great hall you sat down next to Hailey, "So... what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?" you asked her as you poured yourself some pumpkin juice, searching the teachers' table for a specific black haired teacher, who was found to be staring back at you. Giving him a small smile you turned back around, looking at Hailey as she decided your plans for the day "I need to do some studying" she sighed out, "Can you help?" nodding at her request, the two of you dug into your breakfast.

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