Chapter Twenty Two

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Gasping you sit up looking around to see the hospital wing around you, taking a deep breath you calmed yourself down. 'Alright... Not dead' you pinched yourself lightly before attempting to get out of bed, though before you could say quidditch you saw Madame Pomfrey rushing over. She hurried you back into the bed with a few hasty moves, before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Miss (L/N)! You need to take better care of your health" her voice seemed harsh but she meant well, she was always very caring of the students of Hogwarts. She told you what had happened the day before while also lecturing you about taking care of your health, especially your sleeping and eating habits.

After a short while of lecturing, she let out a huff, "since you seem fine I'll go get professor Snape to escort you back to your common room" this caught your attention immediately, jolting up in your bed the nurse looked at you in confusion. Playing it off you laid back down, "Sorry Madame Pomfrey, I just... remembered something" you lied with a small smile, 'Severus is coming to get me... will we be actually going to the common room or will we be going to his chambers' losing yourself in your thoughts, you didn't notice Pomfrey leaving to get Severus. Sitting up in the hospital bed you shuffled yourself back into a comfortable position, twiddling your thumbs you stayed there silently.

The sound of footsteps knocked you out of your thoughts rapidly, glancing around you caught the gaze of a specific worried-looking potions teacher. Your heart sped up slightly as you felt yourself relax, though you didn't even notice that you were tense in the first place. They came to a stop at the foot of your bed, Pomfrey started talking to Severus who seemed to be off as he wasn't looking at you as much. If he did glance at you it felt colder than usual, like your first potions class with him. Waiting for your cue you got out of bed, quietly following behind him as you tried to work out why he seemed grumpy.

'Is this because of what I did?' suddenly spiralling into a silent depressive episode, questioning everything you have ever done with him. 'What if this was just a fling for him' tears pricked your eyes like the thorns from rose bushes at the thought, you couldn't simply ignore the possibility of such a thing. Slowly the silent walk came to a stop, you hadn't noticed that you were outside of the common room until he cleared his throat. "We're here Miss (L/N)" nodding you muttered the password, walking through the doorway without even bothering to turn back. Weirdly enough, that short sentence had hurt you more than you thought it would. 'He could just be pretending for the students...' you thought until you immediately brushed it off, '...if he truly loved you he wouldn't be acting this way towards you' a voice whispered to you and like a mouse to a trap you fell for the lie it fed you.

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