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*P R E S E N  T: 2015*

"I'm leaving." I mumbled as my mum started loading suitcases into the car.

"What!? Is this some sick prank of yours!?" He asked angrily although we both know this isn't a prank.

"I can't stay here...everything reminds me of something and that something hurts me. Leaving would be the best for me." I mumbled into the soft fabric of his shirt, hugging him. His arms wrapped around my waist and I felt a few droplets of water hit my hair.

He was crying.

It was my fault.

"Why...why didn't you tell me earlier?" His voice had gone soft and broken as he asked me that.

"I thought it would change things between us," I told him truthfully as a few of my tears dampened his shirt.

"As if this doesn't change us."

"I'm sorry,"

"I know."

"Do you really want this to happen?" He asked after a few minutes of silence, his heartbeat the only comforting sound in this moment.

"Yes, this is what I want." My decision was made, I'm leaving. For good.

"Okay. But can I do one last thing before you leave?" He gave me those irresistible deep blue eyes. After all we've been through I couldn't deny his request.

"What is it?" I asked, but before I knew it, his soft pink lips landed on my mouth moving gently against mine. The kiss turned out to be slow, yet sad and sweet. Like a book finishing with a bittersweet ending. That is exactly how I felt right now. Like a bittersweet book coming to it's final chapters.

"Bye beautiful."

"Bye my knight in shining armour," I said sadly; with a final glance at his face I knew so well; I entered the taxi and left the life I knew as 'perfect.'


As by the looks of this book, you will probably be like: 'It's gonna be cliche.' If you like cliche I have nothing against you; heck, I read cliche all the time! It makes me feel like my life's gonna turn out perfect like the two characters in a book. But that sadly isn't reality for the majority of us(Not all of us know hot guys;)Let me tell you, my book may seem cliche in the beginning, middle and towards the end but the final plot will not be cliche at all. As you go along this story you will uncover elements that will make it un-cliche(if that's a word).

Please enjoy my book to all new readers and re-readers when this book gets finished. If it does..

Lots of love,



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