Chapter 31: David's Jacket

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"But David, if I tell you promise it won't change your thoughts about Cam. Even though he might be a disgusting excuse for a human being, he might actually be a really good best friend." I pleaded as David had now engulfed me in one of his man hugs.

It made me feel good.

Safe and protected.

"I promise you Mayonaise." He said solemnly gazing into my soul.

And I told him everything.


"That son of a b-" He started but I cut him off.

"No swearing remember?" I told him sweetly trying to lighten the humorless mood that was haunting us a couple seconds ago.

"Fine! Son of a monkey's bottom." He declared stubbornly but he wasn't finished any time soon.

"-I cannot believe my best-friend is doing that! I know that bros before hoes--sorry-" He looked at me apologetically before continuing,

"-But I thought he had more decency than that! If you ask someone to be your girlfriend she is your girlfriend not some sex tool."

"Yeah I know..." I trailed off uncertainly, my eyes deciding to sweat again.

"Hey May, don't worry, he wasn't the one for you anyway," David comforted spooning me into one of his warm hugs; where my head rested right under his chin and my fingers were able to tickle the soft brown strands twirling around the nape of his neck.

"Thanks David..." I mumbled softly into his shirt before my eyes started to drift close and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


"Woah! Where am I?" I asked hurriedly, disorientated, as I bolted out of my position. Looking up I find myself staring into warm blue eyes and my head in a very warm and soft lap. I was sleeping?

"Mayonnaise, don't worry your pretty head, you fell asleep while standing so I put your head in my lap and stretched your feet out on the seats so you would feel more comfortable whilst you slept. You were out for a good half hour" He explained as my eyes widened in realisation.

"Uh thanks," I said honestly, if anything I had realised in this past two weeks it was that David and I were back on the road to being best friends.

"And as for Cam, I am going to kick his ass." David declares stubbornly. I frowned a little, David shouldn't damage his relationship with Cam just because of me!?

"You do know that Cam has done nothing to you?" I tell him, making sure that he knows that if he does kick Cam's ass it will be of his own accord not of mine.

"He may have done nothing to me physically but he has done something to you, which hurts me emotionally!" David dramatically exclaims putting a hand over his heart, saying it in a knightly gesture.

"Sir, you do know that this fair young beautiful-" I gesture to myself before resuming my sentence, "-maiden over here is very capable of killing the ex-boyfriend by herself in a very cruel way?"

And then we both burst out laughing, and for a second,

Things didn't seem so bad anymore.


"Hey May? Want to escape like last time?" David asked me for the upteenth time. After our heart-to-heart Mrs Grig decided to ruin the fun by making both of us sit by ourselves for the rest of the day. No class, no lunch either.

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