Chapter 13: Awkward moments

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"David! I told you!- Now lets get you cleaned up and ready to meet that night in shining armor of yours."

"HE'S NOT MY NIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR!" I protest, the atmosphere had changed drastically; I was no longer sad and depressed however I did make up my mind about Cam. If he wanted me he needed to fight for me harder.

"There's the May we both know and love." Lucy said in the brightest voice I had ever heard.

"Thanks Lucy. Now step back, I'm opening the bathroom door." I told her.

"Oh thank God! My legs were aching!" She complained,

"Way to be a mood killer Lucy!" I chuckled at her.


"Soooo, Lucy what do I do now since I don't have a ummmm.....pad." I asked her embarrassingly.

"Do you have any money on you right now?" Lucy asked, her eyes glancing around the room until they found the 'vending machine for girls.'

"Ummmm, no?" I told her but it came out as a question. She sighed; fishing out a wallet from her black ripped jeans. I gathered some courage, stepped outside the stall and took a long look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red from crying, cheeks were tinged with red and my lips looked kinda swollen. However, that wasn't the worst of my outfit. My perfectly planned outfit was stained with a deep rust colour. Like paint from the art class had splattered across my shorts. I almost forgot Lucy was in the bathroom with me seeing that when she tapped me on the shoulder I jumped in the air.

"Here you go, some money for the pad dispenser."(A/N: I actually have no idea what it is called so I just called it a 'pad dispenser' please comment if you know what those stalls are called.)

"Thank you soooo much Lucy, I wouldn't know what to do without you. Sorry for doubting you before I just thought no-one cares that much about me." I told her sincerely; what would have been the situation if she hadn't come after me. Lucy brightened up at my attempt for being a horrible friend to her.

"It's okay, now here go get a pad and I'm assuming that you know how to put a pad on?" She asked cautiously. I let out a small laugh and told her that I did know how to change a pad.

"May, once you're done stay in the bathroom and I'll be right back with a pair of my clean shorts that you can change into."

"Thank you so much." I told her, stepping into the cubicle. By the time I was done changing Lucy came back from her locker with her shorts. Hmmmm, her short were cute and I was so grateful that she let's me wear her shorts. If I was in her position I don't think I would be able to willingly hand over a pair of shorts in case she got them dirty.

Her eyes slit ted to my hand holding onto her shorts, "Please don't get them dirty."

"Don't worry, I won't and if I do I'll buy another pair of shorts for you. Okay?"

"Okay." Her eyes showing trust.

I quickly put on her pair of ripped blue knee high shorts and met her outside the bathroom. With my dirty shorts in one hand I run to my locker stuffing the shorts into a plastic bag. Lucy follows me, points to her watch and tells me that I have 25 minutes left back to head to class. Since I have an emergency makeup kit in my bag Lucy excitedly exclaims that she loves to do makeup.

"I'm sure that you don't want to put makeup on my face. Like come on. It looks like I got hit by a train or something." I say, giving her a look saying 'are you serious right now.'

"YESSSSSSS!!! I DO WANT TO PUT MAKEUP ON YOUR FACE!!! And your right about something your face does look like it's been hit by a train; exactly why you need some magical makeup."

After around 10 minutes of being prodded and poked by concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss; I finally start walking to class. The confidence I first felt when Lucy was putting my makeup was wearing off as my feet started to make slower and slower steps to the classroom.

Squinting my eyes, I push the door to the art class open. My face greeted with Cristina and her 'Purple Minions' writing with red paint under my desk.


Heyyyyy my lovelies,


This is the last chapter I'll be writing for one month because I going OVERSEAS!!! And this chapter isn't even my usual length. I am seriously sorry....I am not going to come up with any excuses this time PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! *People keep throwing fruits*

This chapter is dedicated to..... @Adaeze123 because of the Sweet comments and funny PM's. PLEASE WATCH THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!

Sorry for the Grammatical Errors. I SERIOUSLY SUCK AT EDITING!!!

I have no goal for this chapter because I only spent an hour on it so surprise me with the votes, comments and follows:)

PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(I mean follow, me and my YouTube obsession)

I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I certainly did and all the best for 2015. Remember what has happened in the past year stays in 2014. Move on in life and take all the gifts and blessings life has given to you and use them wisely. Your life is one short one so make it worth while and when your life does flashback before your eyes it needs to be one that you are proud of. Remember, that everyday is a fresh new start; please STAY SAFE AND HAVE A GOOD YEAR!!!:)

I love all of you,

A crazy author that you read about,


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