Chapter 12: Purple Minions

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"Erk, yes. I am May and I am your partner for the art project!" I am surprised I didn't stutter, but my voice did rise a few octaves near the end. That only happens when I am excited or nervous. This moment happens to be both.

"Great, do you want to have a seat?" he wonders gesturing to the table with two stairs. I take a seat and so does Cam; just as her was about to tell me something Mr Kern enters the room and passes out the Assignment Marking Criteria.

Once I have received the sheet I look towards Cam, curious to what he wanted to say. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat and his eyes flick to my shorts. I instinctively put my hands over my shorts in case there are any creases or dirt. But that's when I am met by a wet, sticky, slimy substance on my shorts. I carefully look down and what I makes me have an almost heart attack.

My period has started. Right in front of Cam.


I was so shocked and surprised I didn't know what to do. I did the first thing that came to my mind; run out of the classroom and start crying. Why!!! Oh, why does this happen to me??? God, science, Hogwarts or whoever created life WHY did you do this to ME on today of ALL days!!!

I was right outside the classroom door debating with myself whether I should tell the teacher that I am going to the bathroom OR go to the bathroom without telling him. I went with my second option. With my right hand covering my shorts and my left hand wiping the mucus and tears on my face I ran to the bathroom. Since this is only the second time my period started, I had no schedule to as to when my 'shedding of the uterus' begins. Seeing that there was no-one in the bathroom I grabbed the first stall available hoping it wasn't covered in human waste products; then I let my tears flow.

Why did this have to happen to me? I have done nothing wrong to deserve this, let alone for my period to start in front of Cam. Gosh, what must he be thinking now? Probably that I was a disgusting girl, unhygienic, friendless and contaminated freak. I wipe my eyes and think of my dad. If he were here and if he found about this situation would he give a 'death threat' to Cam implying if anyone found about this situation he would beat him up? Or maybe, he would sit on the sofa with one arm around me, whispering soothing words in my ear? Or maybe he would do nothing.

A soft knock startled me bringing me back to reality. I open my mouth and said in a croaky voice,

"Who is here?"

"Hey May, it's okay. It's me Lucy, Mr Kern got frightened when he found out you weren't in the classroom so he sent me to find you because I told him I had a pretty good hint to where you were hiding."

"How did you know I was here, in the bathroom?"

She chuckles, "Because the bathrooms are always the place a girl hides in a movie. And plus, I knew your period started."

"How did you know?!" I say shocked, praying that the 'whole' class didn't see me.

"May, I don't want to tell you this but the whole class saw the blood, I mean there was a stain left behind on you chair. Another reason why Mr Kern told me to get you." She says softly then continues, " But I know you are a strong girl and you will get through this, after all in year 12 you'll be laughing at this memory."

Great. Now the whole class knew about my period. I wonder what Cristina and her purple minions are thinking of me. I shudder at the thought, the same moment a sob escapes my lips.

"Hey May, it's okay. Now we need to get you cleaned up, after all class ends in another 40 minutes. You want that 40 minutes to be with Cam don't you?" Lucy asks. I let out a humorless laugh,

"After this fiasco Cam is the last person I want to see." Lucy knocks softly once more on my stall door; then she let's out a small laugh as well. Why would she be laughing at a time like this?

"Ummmmm May? There is something I haven't told you." This rose to my interest, what is she hiding now?

"Lucy, just spit it out." I say in a small voice. She just bursts out laughing, why wouldn't she, your uterus just shed in front of the whole class.

"You know why I'm laughing?" Of course I do. Your laughing at me.

"Yes, Lucy. I know why your laughing. I'ts because of me isn't it?"

"OF COURSE NOT MAY!!! HOW COULD YOU THINK OF ME LIKE THAT? I WOULDN'T LAUGH AT YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!" Annoyance hinting in her voice, wow. I should have more faith in her, what kind of friend am I?

"Okay then, what are you laughing at?"

"Well after you left the classroom Cristina and one of her purple minions yelled out that you were disgusting and vile and all of those crappy words and you know who defended you??!" My hopes started to rise, maybe Cam defended me! My knight in shining amour!

"Who WHO!!!" I exclaim, practically begging her to continue,

"IT WAS DAVID!" (A/N: Bet we all saw that coming:)- Comment potato if you did:)

"IT WAS WHO?" I asked perplexed, my heart slowly sinking; maybe Cam didn't like me. Maybe Sammy just said that because she thought he liked me.

"David! I told you!- Now lets get you cleaned up and ready to meet that night in shining armor of yours."

"HE'S NOT MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR!" I protest, the atmosphere had changed drastically; I was no longer sad and depressed however I did make up my mind about Cam. If he wanted me he needed to fight for me harder.

"There's the May we both know and love." Lucy said in the brightest voice I had ever heard.

"Thanks Lucy. Now step back, I'm opening the bathroom door." I told her.

"Oh thank God! My legs were aching!" She complained,

"Way to be a mood killer Lucy!" I chuckled at her.


Hello my dear lovelies,

How have you been? Me, I think my life is going pretty 'okay' so far; I mean I got my math ranking and I didn't fail or anything I just didn't do as well as I expected.....My parents totally understand though and they love me for it:) However, all my other subjects are FANTASTIC!!! As for maths, I just have to try harder next time after all I will have 4 more years of high school:) *Sighs*

Another good thing is that ALL EXAMS ARE OVER!!! *Throws a party which consists of food, music, teddy bears, movies, no people and more food*

This chapter is dedicated to @—desiree— for the sweet votes and comments. Thank you and check out her book!!!

I UPDATED!!!- My updates are going to be more frequent and longer since ALL EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Sorry if I crushed your hopes and dreams of your previous chapter requests:(

SORRY FOR ALL THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!!! I SUCK AT EDITING:( But I promise you, when I have finished the book I WILL EDIT!!!

Next update: Hopefully soon- Maybe this weekend or the next(although no promises though)

I HIT 1317 READS!!!!


1. 3 votes(As usual:)


3. I asked for 900 reads and I got 1317 reads. FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!!- The goal is 1400 reads overall and 25 reads for the chapter:)

PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE(I mean follow; me and my YouTube obsession:)

If you read all of that please know that I love you, if you didn't then I still love you. I don't even know what I''m talking about...Here comes another rant.....Must stop!!!! Maybe I should write a rant book???

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