Authors Note

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I made the ending like that because I thought it was right. It gives the reader the freedom to chose what happens next and I like that:) If you have any questions as to why the ending happened the way it did please leave a comment down below! AND 5K READS! LOVE YOU ALL!+ A ranking of #199!!!!!!!!

I know this is a really crappy story with major plot holes but thanks for reading it anyways!!!!-Give Bus Love a shot(has less plot holes:) XD

And I cannot thank anyone but YOU!

Youth Group is 54,788 words long and after editing it will much likely be longer as I have to add chapters(too much of a time skip). I started this story 1 year ago and now it is done...2 COMPLETED stories on my page and I can only thank YOU for it. 

I have a list of the ten people who have stayed with this story since the beginning and for that I thank you. There are of course more than 10 people but these are the ones who have stood out to ME the most. In truth, all of you have stood out to me with your votes and comments but if I had to name every single person we would be here for EONS AND EONS.

1. Arataly for the crazy comments

2. californiastate AKA the cover maker, my wattpad BFF and vote/comment dropper:) I love you!!!! P.S: Check out her cover book(I used her ones as my official ones for all books so far)

3. PoeticNerdess  my first ever follower, I still remember you!

4. @dreamscapade a crazy commenter of this story

5. BB_kpopgirl A dear friend of mine in real life and in the wattpad world

6. harika20 your crazy ways kill me sometimes(literally)

7. woopsydaysee one of my first followers!!!! Her covers are AMAZING!

8. eashlatte a super smart friend who I LOVE!

9. @gabbym78 I love your votes and comments, they make me HAPPY!

10. @VioletRoses1o1 an amazing person in general:)

I cannot describe how happy/sad I am feeling right now, so much has happened in this month so THANK YOU!

I may/may not be writing a sequel. We will just have to wait don't we??? I may take a break from writing-a few weeks at max just to clear my ming for my next book! (A short story...hint, hint)

And as always,

DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(I mean follow; me and my YouTube obsession)



Youth Group *COMPLETED* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now