Chapter 26-We May Have Kissed?

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"Duties of a boyfriend." He reminded me. Why should I be sad over David? Cam was my crush and here he was being my boyfriend and all I can think about is David. Stupid David.

"Thanks Cam," I said, giving him a peck on his cheek causing him to turn a little pink. Wasn't he cute?

"I should be the one saying that," He mummers pecking me on the cheek as well.

What I didn't know was that lunch was over and that everyone had started to go to their lockers.

"Bye May, see you tomorrow," Cam bid me, giving me another kiss on the lips. Gosh, those kisses were very addictive.

"Bye Cam," I waved to him grabbing my fifth period books. Science.


Life was finally perfect; and my body tingled with all the kisses Cam gave me. After science finished I ran to my locker and grabbed my bag, racing to the T-Way.

"Hey May!" I heard someone call me, turning around I saw David running towards me, his hair flying in the wind.

"Hey..." I trailed off, unsure why he called me.

"Hi, I was wondering if you would like to be invited to Katherine's birthday? After all, she does love you and mother also loves you, probably more than me." Awww, was David jealous of his mother loving me more than him? And if it's Katherine's birthday I would be delighted to go.

"What about me? Do you love me as well?" I asked flirtatiously batting my eyelashes. His eyes widened and I could see the flecks of gold hinting in his eyes. I lightly punched him in the arm and said,

"And I would love to go to Katherine's birthday,"

"Thanks, ummm, should I text you the details?" He asked outstretching his arm.

"Uh yeah, just add your contact." I said handing him my android. He quickly added his contract, bid goodbye and on I boarded my bus.

Entering the house I smelt cookies baking. My mum. But what was she doing at home this time in the afternoon?

"Hi mum?" I said cautiously; she just turned around and gave me the widest smile on earth. What is happening!?

"Hey sweetie, how was your day at school?" She asked cheerfully grinning at me with those blue eyes I inherited.

"Good..." I dwindled, eyeing her carefully.

"I know I never come home this early or this 'happy' but it's Katherine's birthday soon and we need to go gift shopping!" She squealed earning her a weird stare from me.

"Okayyyyyy, but isn't her birthday like weeks later?" I asked, wondering why I got the late notice.

"Sweetie, it's tonight. Didn't I tell you?" She asks.

"Uh no one told me and David just told me today that her birthday is coming up." My mum's eyes widened and she quickly asked,

"You swapped phone numbers didn't you!?"

I looked at her quizzically before raising my eyebrows.

"Yes! Day is finally starting to sail!" She exclaimed suddenly pinching my cheeks.


"Yes May, the ship name for you and David!"

"You do know that Cam asked me out today?" I told her blushing slightly, remembering the kisses he had given me a few hours ago.

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