Chapter 24: Monkey Bars

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"Yeah he was and he was being a dick." Sammy clapped like a seal before gushing,

"Oh I knew it! I totally ship Day." I looked at her in disbelief, she shipped David and I when I punched him like 2 hours ago?

"I just punched him Sammy and he called me fat. Why would you ship David and I?"

"Because you were besties once, now you are enemies you know what that equals to?"


"Love," Sammy sighed dreamily.

Love with David my ass.


"Mum..." I rang for the second time today, she wasn't picking up her phone but I had to tell her that I had gotten a detention. My first detention ever.

"Hello May. This better be urgent because I have to finish work and we have church today." Mum replied in a snappy tone. I didn't blame her.

"Uhhh, I may have gotten a detention for this evening?" I stated but it came out as a question.

"THIS EVENING! You know I'm not in the mood for this, we will talk at home." Then I heard the phone line cut.

Great my mum was pissed at me for defending myself.

"May," Cristina said as she picked up her school bag, giving me a great view of her plastic booty.

"Yes Cristina want any additions to that broken jaw of yours?"I asked in a sick voice proud of my work on Saturday. If nothing resulted in that date her broken jaw sure did.

"No thanks May, after all it is hard punching someone, and I wouldn't want you to feel tired in any sort of way. But I just came to comment on the fact that you are stealing my boyfriend." She said, picking up a strand of her hair that was pulled into a high ponytail.

"Why would I like David? He is hideous, disgusting and I have Cam." I lie to myself, I know David was gorgeous, he was not disgusting instead he was a clean freak and I did not have Cam.

"Whatever slut," She stormed off leaving me in the deafening silence of a empty school.

Almost empty that is.

"Hey bestie!" David greeted me, sitting on the seat I was sitting on and swinging an arm around my shoulders. Did he really want another punch?

"I suggest you go away so you don't get another black eye." He just sat there and started singing Grenade by Bruno Mars in an off key tone.

"Black, black, black and blue

Beat me 'til I'm numb

Tell the devil I said "Hey" when you get back to where you're from.

Mad woman, bad woman

That's just what you are

Yeah, you'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car."

"I suggest both of you stop singing this instance before your vocal chords get ripped out," Mrs Lorraine said, eyeing us very carefully.

"There is to be NO talking, NO looking at each other and most importantly, NO sexual contact with each other in any way. I once was a teenager too but you must get a hold of yourselves; I don't want to deal with any 'accidental' pregnancies." I almost spit out my vocal chords, David and I? Ewwwwwwwwwww. With that Mrs Lorraine strutted away to her office.

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