Chapter 15: Heart Flutter

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"It seems that both of you girls are at odds so I have an idea. If you say sorry to each other we can call it a day and I won't even tell the principle. Let alone give you a detention. So what do you say?" Mr Kern asks hopefully and I can see that if he wasn't sleepy he would've given us a detention anyways. Cristina and I glared at each other and since we glared at each other Mr Kern got the idea that we weren't going to say sorry. He gave us the detention for today afternoon. Great. Why today of all days?

Just then, the recess bell rang so the once empty corridors filled again with students. The exact moment I realized I had gotten myself into a detention with Cristina, my enemy and crush stealer. The detention was this afternoon, the same afternoon I had to go to David's house and my mum would be there. The nerdy girl has finally rebelled. What is going on with me?


With my adrenaline rush slowly fading I started to worry, what happens if I get into trouble? Why didn't I just let Cristina ruin my life like she always does? Oh, Cam...I didn't even want to think about him. Does he like me or not? Will I be an outcast because of this incident; David will probably tell the Youth Group because of this accident, I'll be an outcast there as well. My eyes started to water, I had never gotten a detention in my entire life! My school life is ruined, I probably won't even get into a university! I hadn't realized I was crying until a finger slid under my chin and slowly lifted my face up, ever so gently so that I was staring into deep blue eyes.

"Hey, are you alright?" It was David. That douchébag was probably here to torment me.

"What do you want?" I asked snappily at him. I was in no mood for his crap, like honestly if he wanted to tease me he could just shove it up his but crack. And if he lays one finger on me I would knee him in the place the sun don't shine. Why am I so violent today, getting all emotional and having mood swings? I blamed it on the period. After all, the period did ruin my life.

"Hey hey, no need to get so defensive! I was just asking if you are alright I mean you are crying and all." He said innocently, putting his hands up in the air as a sign of 'I'm not here to stab you.'

"Yeah, I'm alright." I stepped back from him and took a few steps towards my locker, after all I did deserve food from this confusing day. David, however had other plans. He took a few steps towards me until he was so close that I could see the faint freckles scattered across his nose and the gold sparkle in his eyes. His right hand touched my face softly, caressing my cheeks. He moved a stray strand of my hair that had fallen out of my 'sexy plait' and tucked it behind my ear.

"You have changed a lot haven't you May? You aren't the same girl I met 12 years ago." He asked me, his minty breath fanning my face. A light blush spread across my cheeks but my voice equally as breathy as his.

"Yeah, I'm a lot older now."

"Yeah, I can see." With that last sentence his face inched closer at an alarming slow rate, I remained in my spot not daring to move an inch. His eyes flickered to my lips which were parted in surprise, my breath coming in short, shallow gasps. He lowered his head down to mine but just at that moment Sammy screams my name,


At that split second David and I sprung apart, like a rubber band bouncing off the floor. With his voice slightly raspy he spoke,

"Well, ummm I'll see you next time." He sent me a soft smile that made my heart flutter. Why was my heart fluttering anyway? It's Cam who I like. Not him. With an equally shaky voice I replied,

"Ummm, okay. Sure!" Sue me for sounding superficially cheery at the end.

"So, what happened; you need to tell me okay! Like, I can't believe I missed out on this like I mean come on! The classes I don't have with you seen to be the most exciting. Oh, did Cristina give you her famous death glare like Katherine Pierce in The Vampire Diaries Diaries. Did she? DID SHE?" Sammy yelled in my year but she was not done yet,

"Did Cam save you? Oh, and why was David here? If I didn't know you better I would think he was trying to kiss you." Did she have to mention Cam? And David too? Urgh, Sammy might be my best friend but God knows I love her. I decided to keep the 'David' moment to myself because if she found out I'm pretty sure that the whole world would know from her fangirling; but I will tell her eventually just not today. I already have enough on my plate.

"Well, you see...." I began telling Sammy, informing her on how Cristina was the one who started the fight not me; but technically if my period hadn't niagara falled everywhere I wouldn't be in this sticky mess. As soon as I finished telling her what had happened in this hour she was gobsmacked. Her mouth left hanging open and no coherent words could be heard.

"gisch, shogetsurcrcress....adhusaihd"

"Sammy? What did you say?" I ask her confused since she was clearly trying to tell me something but with all her mumbling I couldn't understand.

"Go get you recess and eat, we will talk later. Recess is almost over." Sammy says, and she walks over to her locker. Her mouth still hanging open.

"Okay," I replied unsurely, this was unusual. Sammy would've made a huge fuss that I hadn't told her what happened and she would've fangirled and squealed at me. Today she is quiet and unable to form coherent words. What is up with her?Hmm, must be the shock.

I quickly dump my art and english books into my bag and grab my Math textbook along with my recess: jelly. I crane my head around to find David sitting on the popular table surrounded by all his friends staring intently at me, his gaze burning holes into my back. Awkwardly I turn my head back around so I am staring at my locker again, a light blush forming on my cheeks. Standing up, all thoughts of the period incident were erased; filled with thoughts on David. How much he had changed from the little boy I used to know. One obvious change: he was way hotter. This isn't meant to be happening. I like Cam. Only Came and will always be Cam. With my mind and heart at odds I went to walk over to Sammy, so not looking forward to the detention I have this afternoon.


Hello my lovelies, how has your day or night been??? I hope it was good,

I LITERALLY HAD SOOO MANY TESTS ON TODAY I COULDN'T COPE!!! That's why my update is late, don't worry I'm writing more than usual so that should help you deal with my lack of updates. However, my updates may come faster since only 2 weeks of school is left. I have exams on the last week of school:(

I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR THE FETE!!! If you know me in real life you will know what I am talking about....@Harika20 I'm looking at you;)

This chapter is dedicated to the one and only...@Aiswarya668. You are an amazing friend on wattpad and in real life so THANKS FOR BEING A GREAT FRIEND!!!

See you in like another 2 weeks or something:)

DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(I mean, follow; me and my YouTube obsession:)

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