Chapter 22: Date Ruined

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"I love to read. I love to write as well but I have to say, reading is more fun to me. I also love to draw, eat and dance. But I really do suck at dancing. What do you like to do?""Hmmm, I play soccer which is a great pastime and it keeps you fit too. I'm a huge gamer so I wouldn't mind working in Google or Apple. It would be cool; hmmmmmm, I enjoy snorkeling and that's about it."Wow. There was so much more than meets the eye about Cam,. He really was one of a kind.In the process of replying footsteps came closer to us. Craning my head around to see who it was I was greeted with two very familiar people.

Very familiar.


Why on Earth did Cristina and David both come to this restaurant at this time? Was someone trying to ruin my life or what? Sighing loudly I lifted my eyes in annoyance and put on a false smile,

"Hello David and Cristina. It's nice to see you."

Cristina shot daggers at me whilst David put a hand on her shoulder and turned to both Cam and I while saying,"It is nice to see you here. What a coincidence that both of you are here at the same time as Cristina and I-" He said putting an arm around Christina who seemed to be glaring at me with all her might. Glaring won't hurt me.

Cam just looked happily at both of us before saying,

"Do you want to sit with us?" He. Did. Not. Just. Say. That.

Cristina used her arm to link arms with David before putting of a facade and saying,

"Sure. After all. You are my favourite people on this Earth. Especially May."

With that off we went to find another table where all four of us could fit.

I really felt like Cam wasn't being the person for me right now.

Grabbing my wallet I slouched over to where Cristina and David were standing. Thank God for Martin because at that moment he came holding our food.

"Oh you moved. No problem." He muttered to himself trying to detour his route towards us.

"Here is your food." He places the plates of deliciousness in front of Cam and I.

"Thank you Martin." Thanking him for more than the food.

"No problem." He sauntered off with a twinkle in his eyes.

Just then another waiter made a beeline towards us. The only difference was she was a girl; and by the looks of it a slutty one.

"Hey I'm your waitress Amanda. How may I be of service?" She asked us, however I'm sure her question was directed to Cam and David.

"Uhhh, I'll order some Nutmeg Pie and a side drink of fanta. Thanks," David said looking at the menu with quite a lot of concentration.

"Sure thing babe." Amanda said looking at David while writing down his order. She wasn't even looking at her notepad! How was that even possible?

Cristina cleared her throat before saying,

"I'll order a salad without dressing. Dressing could make you fat you know." Her eyes slitted to my waffles before putting on a disgusted face.

"Sure thing." Amanda abruptly said focusing her gaze on Cam. Her next victim.

"Anything you would like," She practically purred at Cam. God, how could anyone find purring attractive?

"Nothing yet, but thanks for asking." Cam told her, a slightly flirty accent in his voice.

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