Chapter 35: Scared

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"David, why don't you go to your other friend group or something," I said with dismissal in my tone, not even bothering to look at him.

"Nah, you guys seem more fun," He disagrees, getting off the table whilst slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Stop Daviddd!" I whined as his arm tightened his hold around my shoulders.

"Nope and good luck trying to annoy me," He said smirking.

"Well, good lucky trying not to be annoyed," I remarked as we continued bantering through the night. Ignoring the bad instinct I had about the tonight, something was going wrong...and it was going to happen fast.


*This chapter has mature themes. If you are sensitive to this please don't read this chapter(I will tell you when the themes start). Otherwise, please continue:)*

"So, that's the end of it. Hope you have had a wonderful time and may God bless," Derrek closed off as the Youth Group came to an end. Maybe this Youth Group wasn't that bad...after all I had made a few friends; even after that embarrassing Dora fiasco. I cringe just at the memory of it.

"Why is that pretty little mouth frowning Mayo?" David questioned as he gave me one of his side hugs.

"Ew, get off me. I have to go to Cam's...destination. Remember?" I say disgusted, thinking about his once perfect lips touching Sammy's. I shiver in disgust whilst David tightens his grip on me.

"It's okay, you will meet someone who is worthy of your perfection, okay? Cam is not worth a single of your thoughts," David murmurs into my hair; just then Katherine pops out of nowhere and begins yelling,

"May and David sitting on a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G," She drawls out and within a second David covers his sister's mouth with his hand, preventing her from singing anymore.

"Okay....that's enough," David coughs awkwardly, trying to ease the tension in the air.

"Yeah, that's enough, you have a beautiful voice Katherine, so why don't you sing us something else?" I ask sweetly, hoping she will drop that awful teasing. David and I are never gonna happen. Like. Ever. 'You wish,' my subconscious taunted me.

"Yeah, could you please sing something else?" David agreed begging his sister to stop making a fool out of the both of us. She smiles toothily at me and begins to sing Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. And my God. I was never more terrified.

"My anaconda don'ttttt, my anaconda don'ttttt, my anaconda don't want none unless you got some buns," She screeched.

"That was ummmm..." David paused trying to find the right words as he interrupted his sister. ".....unexpected, but May and I have somewhere to be so you go home with Derrek okay?"

"Okay!" She chirped happily, bouncing off to Derrek who gladly took her into his arms.

"So, we best get going?" I asked, my heart thumping at the thought of Cam doing something special for me.

"Yeah, you ready Mayonnaise ?"

"Yeah," And that's when the night started to go down...


*20 M I N U T E S L A T E R*

"This is where he wanted to take me?" I asked David in disbelief. We were parked across a shabby looking house, which quite frankly I was scared of. It had that haunted atmosphere, with broken windows and torn furniture giving me the chills.

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