Chapter 16: Detention and Surprises

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I quickly dump my art and english books into my bag and grab my Math textbook along with my recess: jelly. I crane my head around to find David sitting on the popular table surrounded by all his friends staring intently at me, his gaze burning holes into my back. Awkwardly I turn my head back around so I am staring at my locker again, a light blush forming on my cheeks. Standing up, all thoughts of the period incident were erased; filled with thoughts on David. How much he had changed from the little boy I used to know. One obvious change: he was way hotter. This isn't meant to be happening. I like Cam. Only Cam and it will always be Cam. With my mind and heart at odds I went to walk over to Sammy, so not looking forward to the detention I have this afternoon.


"Sammy? Sammy?" I snap my fingers in front of her face, since she is frozen in shock. Eating her apple as if the world revolves around it.

"Yeah, May?" She asks, her eyes dull and lifeless. What is wrong with her?

"Are you alright? Like is anything wrong?" I ask her for the 3d time this recess. She is seriously acting strange; this is not like her at all!

"Sorry, May. I'm just really shocked that's all. You usually aren't the one to get aggressive or angry so I feel weird hearing about this side of you but not being able to see it. It's weird imagining you standing up for yourself. That wasn't meant to offensive you know. I totally support you standing up for yourself. Can I have a hug?" Sammy, asked softly her face brightening as she told me the reason she was acting weird.

"Sure," I reply giving her a warm hug. Showing her that she can tell me anything and it wouldn't change a thing about her.

"Okay, so does Cam like you or not?" Sammy asked me, back to her usual talkative self. That question annoyed me though; I mean does Cam like me or not?

"I have no idea Sammy, I have no idea at all." I replied honestly, because it was true. I really did have no idea.

"I'm sure he likes you, like I heard him say so." Sammy said, then off I went to tell her about how I have to go to David's house this afternoon.

"I can't believe that May! And I thought you didn't even know anyone that comes to this school. Even if you did know anyone, I would expect it to be a nerd or something. Not a hot guy! I can't believe that David is your best friend! May, one life-changing shock at a time please." Sammy said all in one breath.

"Yeah, David is- well used to be, my best friend." I re tell her. As I said that last word, the recess bell rang, symbolizing that recess is over. Urgh, back to class and soon detention. How will my mum react?

Walking over to my locker I check my diary for the next two subjects I have. Math and Religion. Math I hate but religion is okay. Those two subjects passes in a blur and thank-god no one brought up what happened in art. Cristina, David nor Cam were in my class; making me feel better that they couldn't torment me. Before I knew it I was waving good-bye to Sammy and calling my mum explaining to her why I am still at school. With my heart beating fast I dial my mum, watching the other students leaving the school.




"Hello, It is Lara Landon. How may I help you?"

"Hi mum." I said, rather awkwardly on the phone. My heart thumping against my chest.

"Hey, May. How are you? Excited to see David at his house? I sure am excited to see his Cindy, his mother."

"Yeah, about that...I have a detention on today." I say, praying she doesn't yell at me.

"May? Are you trying to prank me? Because if you are, it's not funny."Great. She doesn't believe me; although it is not her fault. I mean I am not the type to get detentions. After all, Sammy couldn't believe me.

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