Chapter 5: The rainbow couple!!!

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The world faded out as I stared blankly at my mum. David mirroring my expression. Both of your jaws dropped. I was the first to break the silence.

"Ummmm, mum mind telling us what is going on?" I say pointing my finger to David, who is still jaw-dropped. The Youth Group was almost empty except for the super pretty girl, the little girl, Derrek and us. The 3 people were minding their own business without a care in the world. Thankfully they weren't looking for us. My mum was still smiling as she says;

"Do you remember the lovely boy who would visit you everyday when you were younger? Or that lovely boy's mum? Well, the boy's mum was my best friend but ever since they moved to Australia we have lost touch. Who knew they would be here?" I still didn't get what was going on, my mum was wiggling her finger at David who has now snapped out of his daze.

"What is your name lovely boy?" My mum asks. Stop interrogating him, I feel weird and awkward. David replies,

"David, ma'am."

"Ohhhhhhh, it is you! You have grown up sooooo much! What is your mother's name." David replies slower this time but confusion is clearly expressed on his face.

"My mother's name is Cindy." My mum still as that gleeful face as she squeals,

"I knew it! You looks just like her!" I cut her off. Still not understanding where this is going with.

"Could YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?" I scream. My mum on the other hand pushes us both outside. The air is cold but that doesn't stop me from shooting glares to my mum and David. My mum coughs and tells David and I about what she is talking about.

"May, as you know this is David and his mum happens to one of my high-schools best friend. You know that boy you used to play with when you were little. David is that boy." She stops, looking at our shocked expressions. I stutter while saying the next few words,

"You m-mean, Raindrop man?" I say, absolutely shocked at the words. It has been ages since I have said that name and now it feels so different in my mouth.

"Yes sweetie and what did David call you?" She asks David. He blushes slightly while he says,

"Sweet sunshine." My mother then makes a link between the two and says,

"You used to call yourselves the Rainbow couple!!!" I mentally kick myself in the brain again for the utter confusion my mother has made.

I stare at David, wondering what is his intake on my mother's theory. The boy, aka Raindrop Man WAS NOT DAVID. I clearly remember Raindrop Man being nice, caring and funny. NOT POPULAR, ANNOYING AND SARCASTIC!!! I almost died when my mum asked if she could visit David's house,

"Honey David, can we visit your house?"

And all I did was freeze in shock.......

Hi my lovelies!!! How has your day/night been??? I hope it was good! If you are up to this chapter you are probably enjoying my story so far, if not I am sorry:(

I am super sad this chapter is short but the next one will be long!!! SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS; I SUCK AT EDITING!!!

This chapter is dedicated to Harika 20 because she is an awesome, funny person inside and out..... and without you the name Charlemagne(Is that how u spell it?) would have never existed!!!


Bye my lovelies.....

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