Chapter 11: My 'monthly'

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"Hey, May. You okay?" Walter; the nerd sitting next to me asked me as he pushed his blue glasses up closer to his eyes. I couldn't contain the broad smile that was taking over my face whilst saying,

"Yeah, just really excited to go to Visual Arts!" He gives me a concerned look before his red hair fell into his eyes and he focused his attention onto the teacher. Just as I was about to pack up, (considering that there was only 1 more minute until the bell rings) Ms Smith, our English teacher decides to give us homework. Ugh. I quickly opened up my school diary wrote down the homework instructions.

"Class, there is homework and I expect it to be done by next Tuesday. Is that okay?" Ms Smith asks the class,

"Yes Ms Smith." The whole class called out in unison. Finally, the bell rings and I make my way down to the art rooms. Nothing could stop this day from being almost perfect. Almost being the key word.


I skipped down the stairs(more like tripped once again) down to the Visual Arts rooms. Cristina was already there flipping her dirty blond hair over her her naked shoulder, as she was talking to her slutty friends. I spotted David and Cameron. Hummmmm, his blond hair was falling softly into his hazel eyes. Since it was mufti day it was refreshing to see Cameron in clothes other than the plain school uniform. Today he wore,dark blue jeans, high top white converse, a white tank top that read 'BE NERDY' as well as a dark blue snap back placed backwards on his head. He looked sooooo sexy!!!

I made my way over to the end of the crowd to meet my other friend Lucy, I may have said in the beginning of my life story that I only have one friend at school; well you are technically right. You see, Samantha is my BEST FRIEND. The one friend I can count on when times get rough, the only friend I can rely on. Marianne and Lucy are close. friends to me, if you know what I mean.

Lucy's purple hair was barely brushing her shoulders from her new hair cut, and her ripped black shirt was moving with her body as she talked to the art teacher. I was actually surprised that she didn't get into trouble so far for having purple hair at school. Not only do we have to have to wear school uniforms to school we also have a strict 'no hair dye' policy. I stroll over to her and gently tap Lucy on the shoulder. She suddenly turns around whilst whacking her right arm in my face through the process.

"Ouch..." I groan covering my throbbing nose, cheek and half of my eye.

"OH MY GOSH!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!" Lucy exclaims beside me, using her had to touch my face. Our art teacher, Mr Kern also asked if I was 'okay' but I brushed him off so he went to open the art rooms.

"Lucy, please remove your hand off my face or I may have to bite it off." I tell her jokingly, hinting for her to move her hand away because it hurts more if another person touches it. I hate it when that happens; you know when you get hurt and someone else touches your wounds it hurts more.

"Okay, okay Mrs Landon. I'm truly sorry for whacking you but I heard in the morning notices that you got partnered with Cam Cam...." She asks me suspiciously whilst wiggling her eyebrows. I smack her lightly on the arm but instead of answering her question I ask her,

"Has the teacher got you into trouble for dying your hair?" I make a moving motion pointing to her hair with the hand that wasn't covering my swollen face. Great, I am partnered with my crush and I now have a swollen face; making me look like a clown, oompa loompa and a delinquent in one. How attractive.

She was about to answer my question but Mr Kern ordered us to go inside the rooms and sit with your partner. Lucy winked at me then sauntered off to her partner.....WAIT WHAT??? HER PARTNER IS DAVID!!! HER CRUSH!!! You have got to be kidding me.

I grit my teeth and turn around, only to see the gorgeous face of Cameron staring at me with worry and concern in his eyes. He smiles softly brightening up his whole face as he says,

"Hey I'm Cameron. You can call me Cam and you are May?" HE SPOKE TO ME!!!!! I recover quickly from my internal heart attack and in the best normal voice I reply,

"Erk, yes. I am May and I am your partner for the art project!" I am surprised I didn't stutter, but my voice did rise a few octaves near the end. That only happens when I am exited or nervous. This moment happens to be both.

"Great, do you want to have a seat?" he wonders gesturing to the table with two stairs. I take a seat and so does Cam; just as her was about to tell me something Mr Kern enters the room and passes out the Assignment Marking Criteria.

Once I have received the sheet I look towards Cam, curious to what he wanted to say. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat and his eyes flick to my shorts. I instinctively put my hands over my shorts in case there are any creases or dirt. But that's when I am met by a wet, sticky, slimy substance on my shorts. I carefully look down and what I makes me have an almost heart attack.

My period has started. Right in front of Cam.


Hi my lovelies!!!

How has your day(or night) been? I hope it was FANTABLOUS!!! SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE; too many exams and assignments on. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! *Hides behind a cushion.* SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!!! I SUCK AT EDITING!!!

Here is the goals for this chapter:

1. 3 votes.....I know I asked for 2 votes last chapter but you guys smashed that I received 7 votes!!! Please, pretty please vote! *Gives puppy dog eyes*

2. 2 comments once again:)

3. 20 reads for this chapter and 900 reads overall; you guys surprised me last chapter.....I asked for 10 reads and I got 51 reads.WOW.

PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(Sorry, follow; me and my YouTube obsession:)

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