Chapter 9: Homeroom

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"No May, he used your name and even DESCRIBED YOU!" I was so happy right then I swear my heart could jump right out of my chest! My crush likes me back! My crush likes me back! I chanted on and on in my head!!! I am soooooo happy!!!

I wanted to divert the topic off me because Sammy was feeling slightly uncomfortable coming to the fact that none of the people she likes have ever liked her back.

"Hey, your hair looks shiny have you done anything to it?" I ask her hoping to change the subject. Her face brightens up instantly before telling me about her hair life.

"Oh May! You have noticed! I have been using Dove shampoo and conditioner. For the past 6 weeks and apparently on the 7th week it makes a difference! It is true!" She proclaims as we walk towards her locker and away from the bathroom. She grabs her books and judging by her sour facial expressions she has PE and science. Her Friday is starting to go downhill. Just as she locks her locker the homeroom bell rings.


Sammy and I walk up the stairs towards out homeroom; which happens to be the highest floor in the building. Making me listen to the constant chatter about Sammy's hair life. Don't get me wrong I love Sammy like a sister but ALL sister's get annoying at some point. But I still love Sammy either way.

"Sooooo, some of the ingredients of the conditioner are: almonds, coconut and sesame seeds. Almond is meant to make your hair stronger, thicker, less frizzy, gives more shine and makes you hair more luscious looking. Coconut helps you hair because it has-" I cut her off with a small laugh,

"Sammy, did you research all of this?"

"Nope." She says her face tinged with a small blush spreading across her pale cheekbones.

"Your lying!" I accused, knowing that her small blush was one of a habits when she lied.

"Okay, fine! I did research all of this." She looks down sheepishly. I laugh, but all that my mind can think about is CAMERON LIKES ME!!! I shouldn't be so sure of this; he may like Cristina. The most popular girl in the school- Not to mention she is kinda mean. Cristina is VERY mean. Cameron MUST like her, not me. But even with this small argument going in my head a part of me was thrilled to find out that Cameron likes me.

We reach our homeroom after a long flights of stairs, although I was panting and heaving Sammy still managed to tell me her hair history between her pants. I opened the door and saw one of my favourite teachers in the school, Miss Lilly-Scotts.

"Good morning girls, I see you're panting after those long flights stairs." She greets, us smiling. Sammy speaks up and with a cheerful voice she says,

"Miss Lilly-Scotts! It is no fair that teachers get to go on an elevator to reach the rooms!" I just stand there, enjoying my almost perfect Friday.

"Samantha Grace, if you want to raise an issue about the elevator please talk to our SRC." Miss Lilly-Scotts says as she teases Sammy. Too bad our SRC has to be Cristina.

"Erk, no I am fine! I will gladly walk up the stairs from now on!" Sammy exclaims, hoping not to talk to Cristina.

You see, when Sammy was in Primary School she had a crush on a, well, particular boy that happened to be named David. Cristina also happened to have a crush on that same guy but somehow, Cristina came to know about Sammy's little crush on him and then fourth the rivalry began. According to Sammy Cristina began to brain-wash the other kids minds into thinking Sammy was the rude one and she was the perfect one. Which then lead to the slut stage, the stage she in know going through and looks like she will never be leaving . Miss Lilly-Scots reply was almost immediate,

" We will see about that next Monday, Sammy. But for now could you two please take a seat." She motioned to the set of chairs and desks laid in-front of her. I gave Miss Lilly- Scots a small smile before moving towards my seat, placed in the back between Sammy and our 3d friend Marianne. Marianne gave Sammy and I a wide smile, making her sea-green eyes dilate a few millimetres. Marianne always dilates her pupils when she happens to be happy, excited, deep-in-thought or anxious. Even when her pupils are dilated they are pretty as ever. I was actually surprised her wasn't some popular girl because she is probably one of the most pretty girls in the school.

Her jet black hair was pulled into a french braid, only letting a few strands frame her porcelain white face. Her sea-green eyes a daring contrast, framed by naturally long, thick lashes. Marianne's high cheekbones are evident making her seem older but youthful at the same time. Why is she sooooo pretty? Somethings in life will never be uncovered.

She waved to us as we sat in the 2 chairs next to her, Sammy being on the left side of me and Marianne being on the right side. I was in the middle; just the way I liked it. Sammy was the first to speak,

"Hi Marianne! How was the art expo thingy yesterday?" Oh yeah, Marianne had a Creative Arts Expo where the gifted and talented students from the art group could show their talent to each-other. Marianne happened to be extremely gifted in that department therefore she was chosen to represent her art class at the expo.

"Oh yeah, the art expo was cool. There were a-lot of cute boys." She says, wiggling her eyebrows at us. Sammy and I let out a laugh before I spoke,

"Cute boys huh? Any that suited you?" I question Marianne, but before Marianne could answer Sammy butted into the conversation,

"No, the question is are there any cute boys suited for me?" We all giggled and laughed for a while, whilst the rest of the students were walking into the homeroom. Today is going to be a long day.


Hiiii my lovelies !!!

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SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!!!- I seriously suck at editing but I promise you if I finish this book, I will go back at edit it. None of my chapters have been proof-read so far but I WILL EDIT IT ONE DAY!!!

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This chapter is dedicated to: yadavixoxo because she is an all-round AMAZING friend and she puts up with my constant chatter, even if I bore her to death;) She gets annoyed by the 3DC singing during school but she still sits with us; although we annoy her soooo much. She is an amazing friend and without you I would have no-one to tell about my wattpad life and book fantasy's. For this thank-you:)

The wonderful banner made at the side is by once again: beyond-imperfection and she is wonderful at making the covers:) She makes covers so if you want you can PM her and she will surely make you one but she does change her user name quiet a lot but other than that I LOVE HER COVERS!!!


~A book is a magical thing that let's you travel to far-away places without ever leaving your chair.-Katrina Mayer~

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