Chapter 36: TBI

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"May," He growled as he pushed me back onto the table so that my back was hitting the cold wood.

"Please...please....don't do this...." I begged as he started to tear off my blouse, his mouth making soft bruises around my breasts.

"It won't hurt, baby, just keep quiet," He tried to soothe. He parted my legs and slowly unzipped his pants. This is it, my first time is going to be rape.

"Baby shush....It won't hurt." And then he entered me. I screamed and screamed and screamed.

Until I could scream no more.



I woke up with a start. Sweat dripping across my forehead and onto the white bedsheets surrounding me.

"Wh-What...." I started panicking however a hand clasped around mine, calming me down a bit.

"May," A voice so oddly familiar breathed out. Slowly turning my head around I spot a pair of gorgeous blue eyes.

"Da-David?" I croaked as I struggled to sit up. Immediately his hand shot up and slowly pushed my shoulders down so that I was sleeping again.

"May, oh May," He breathed out gripping my hand tightly and clenching his eyes shut as if he was trying to erase a memory.

"What...happened? And could you please get some water?" I kindly asked him as I tried to sit again.

"Sure," He said in a rush, quickly jumping off his seat grabbing a cup and filling it with water from the filter.

"Here," He handed me the cup and I drank greedily, feeling the liquid heal the dry patches clogging my throat.

"Thanks....what happened?" I asked again trying to remember; however it felt like there was a patch missing from my head.

"You don't remember?" He asked in disbelief, eyes widening.

"No?" I told him but it came out as a question.

"Ah, I was supposed to call the nurse!" He exclaimed pressing a blue button located on the right-hand side of my bed. Not long after a nurse came in and greeted me with a smile.

"So May, how are you feeling?" She questioned with great concern.

"I feel a bit....." I paused trying to find the right word. "...sore."

"Where honey?"

I blushed and glanced at David praying my answer wouldn't make things any more awkward than it was between us.

"Uh, there," I awkwardly said pointing to my lady bits. I looked at David again however his hands were clenched around my bedsheets and the colour was drained out of his face, and honestly; I felt kinda scared.

"That's normal sweetie, since it was your first you remember what happened?" She reassured.

"No.....It feels as if there is a gap in my head, like a chapter missing," I said scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Oh-no, that's a big problem, I'll call the doctor in right away," She quickly said, rushing out of the room. What on earth happened!? I was about to make a joke of this situation, just to make the atmosphere lighter but the facial expression David wore took that thought and threw it in the bin.

"David...are you alright?" I asked cautiously looking into his blue eyes. He ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair as tears began to pool in his eyes.

"David," I tried again however my bottom lip began to tremble as I saw a tear slip past his facade.

"This is all my fault," He said with looking regret looking into my eyes as tears began to fall out of his.

"David, what do you mean?"My voice was soft as I pulled him into a hug, letting his head rest in the curve between my neck and shoulder; feeling the tears fall onto my skin.

" went to Cam's house, all my fault." His voice cracked at the end of the sentence causing my arms to tighten around him.

"What happened? I need to know David,"

"Please don't hate me," He pleaded, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to regain his breath.

"David, I would never hate you, I love you too much to do that," I said as comfortingly as I could, realising my slip-up a few seconds too late.

"You love me?" He asked like a child.

"Ummmm......" I tried to find a way to reverse the damage I had done. Why did I have to say I love him!? I never even loved him in the first place!

"Just to let you know mayonnaise, I love you too,"

"That's great I guess." I awkwardly mumble releasing him out of my death grip and folding my hands neatly in my lap. Just then the doctor burst into the room.

"May," He breathed in relief.


"I need to scan your brain asap because I fear you might have TBI." He said bluntly. And that was the breaking point for me, I burst into a heap of tears, letting David to pull me into his arms; murmuring sweet nothings in my ear.

"I want to go home," I wailed, sobbing into his chest.

" can call your mum if you want but she was scared to death when you were admitted to hospital, she was awake for five days straight and now she's finally been able to sleep, I can call her if you want," David tried to comfort me, however the words: 'scared to death when you were admitted to hospital' haunted me.

What on earth happened?

And why was no-one telling me?



How has your day/night been? I hope it was good:)

SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE...I HAVE NO EXCUSE THIS TIME~Just lazyyyy *You are permitted to throw fruits at me, so if you want pick a fruit emoji and paste that into the comment section*

Anyway, school's ending in 9 days exact so IM EXCITED!

Dedicated to @gabbym78 for the encouragement to keep writing! Love you:)

ALSO: I know I didn't win the Watty's but I would like to thank every single one of you who has supported me! Maybe next year I will have a PLEASE KEEP READING!

Hopefully next update will be soon but until then...

DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(I mean follow; me and my YouTube obsession)



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