Chapter 37: Lawsuit

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"I want to go home," I wailed, sobbing into his chest.

" can call your mum if you want but she was scared to death when you were admitted to hospital, she was awake for five days straight and now she's finally been able to sleep, I can call her if you want," David tried to comfort me, however the words: 'scared to death when you were admitted to hospital' haunted me.

What on earth happened?

And why was no-one telling me?


"David," I hiccuped still sobbing into his chest. 

"What happened?" I continued as he raked his fingers through my hair, soothing me.

"Uhhhh, I really shouldn't be the one to tell you this...." He trailed off softly, making me sob harder into his chest. What could've happened that bad!?

"No David! I need to know!" I clutched his shirt tighter causing him to pull me towards his body even closer.

"Okay, I will tell you, from where do you remember?" He agrees. 

"From.....the bit where I was entering a creepy house to see Cam."

"After you entered the house, around half an hour passed before you started screaming. I'm not sure what exactly he did to you there but by the looks of it......Cam raped you. As soon as I heard your voice I came running inside but it was too late....I lost you May...and it's all my fault" My heart stopped beating. Cam raped me!? I pulled back from David, my heart-pounding. I started to sweat then uncontrollably shake, my breath coming out in gasps.

"May! Are you okay!" I heard David shout as he pressed a button near my bed. I tried to tell him I was okay but my body came crashing down and once again I entered oblivion. 


"Sweetie!" I heard my mum ring out to me as soon as I opened my eyes. 

"Mum," I croaked out reaching for her hand. Her hand immediately clasped around mine as her eyes began to water.

"Don't cry," I tried to soothe even though my voice was raspy.

"Oh my baby girl......I should've never sent you out...because of that your...." She hiccuped trying to finish the sentence when she clearly can't. "....virginity was taken," my subconscious adds causing me to cry along with my mum. Your first time is supposed to be perfect. With the perfect time to the perfect man...and here I was, only six-teen and raped. 

"I should have tried to stop you. I am your mother for God's sake! I could have prevented this from happening," She says angrily with a hint of sadness in her tone. I rub her back comfortingly before adding,

"No-one could've stopped me. You told David to come with me so it isn't your fault. It isn't David's either because he wanted to come with me...I however made him stay in the damn car. This is no-one's fault. It's mine and because of my foolish mistakes I have had to pay the price." I say in one breath, my sadness and confusing mingling with anger. I wanted to punch Cam but more than that I wanted to punch myself! Closing my eyes briefly, I take a deep breath in. Who did I think I was!? Even after he...hurt....Sammy I thought I could change him. To be his miracle girl, but I should've known better. 

Nothing is going to change Cam.

Least of all me. 

"Oh, May," Mum whispered softly into my hair, combing it with her fingers the ways she used to do when I was little.

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