Chapter 39: Almost Done

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"May! David!" I heard a familiar voice call out to us and as soon as that happens I am swept into a pair of Sammy's.

"May! Are you okay! Don't worry if I see Cam anytime soon I will not hesitate to cut off his balls with a pair of pilers." Sammy announces making me laugh.

"Thanks for the offer Sammy but I am planning to put a lawsuit on Cam. My mum is contacting her lawyer right now," I tell her happily. Cam was going to get what he deserved.

And with that we all(even David) walked together to homeroom.


"So boys and girls the assignment will need to have a progress report by the end of the week." Mr Kern told us. Cam didn't show up to school today which made me feel slightly better. I didn't want to face the guy who raped me during art class. Homeroom was okay I could've been a lot worse with Cristina and her minions, but due to David, she kept her mouth shut whilst sending me dirty glances throughout the day. Everyone was off with their partner finishing off their art project but since Cam wasn't here I had no idea what to do. 

"Mr Kern, my partner isn't here so what should I do?" I asked raising my hand up in the air.

"Oh May.....given your circumstances I will allow you to skip this assignment however you will have to do a test on art techniques and how they improve/don't improve the painting.  The test will be on the same day the assignment is due, in a week so I suggest you get studying!" He told me a little too cheerfully, trying not to dwell on my 'circumstance'. I was given a lot of dirty stares in the class but i honestly didn't care, the people didn't know what had happened. And they wouldn't believe me even if I told them, plus, David knew and that was all there was to making me feel better. 

Besides, today was the day where the lawsuit would begin. 

I was going to enjoy every second of it.

Quickly smiling at my teacher I look at my art book, deciding where I should start studying was going to be a long week.

*A couple weeks later-still 2014*

"So how is the lawsuit going?" I asked my mother. A few weeks had passed since we had put the lawsuit on Cam in the first place and so far it was going good.

"Pretty good, today is the day where Cam is going for a trial....and if everything goes as planned he should be sentenced to jail." Mother answered happily. Even though I was depressed Cam raped me, I took it in the positive a learning experience for the future.

Besides do much has happened to me in the time I had to come to Australia; barely 11 months ago I arrived in Australia with no friends, no social status and a ton of enemy's. Now I have a few friends a huge social status due to the incident and even more enemy's than before. And guess what!? I even meet my childhood best friend , kissed him and kissed his best friend too! So much for saving my first kiss for that someone special...

But here is the thing, even though I hated mum for forcing me to join a Youth Group; everything turned out to be for the best! Ever since the incident I have felt disconnected from the world, but thanks to the Youth Group I now feel more confident in myself and I know that I am never alone. But enough of the sappy stuff; this revenge on Cam better get started soon! And by soon I mean today.

A few hours later we were all ready to go to the lawyer and my all of us I mean, David's family as well as mum and I. We were all wearing our formal wear and I do have to say...David looked especially handsome in that dark blue tux of his; reflecting off his already blue eyes. He had a small scattering of stubble across his beard which made him look a bit more devilish and rugged giving his outfit a 'badass' look. 

He caught me staring at him.

"So May, you like what you see," He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows whilst gesturing to his body.

"Oh please, I've seen better," I tried to defend myself but truth be told, I hadn't seen anyone better apart from those Calvin Klein models who seemed to pull underwear off effortlessly.

"Yea, yea yea. You could always try to touch me and find out if you like what you feel," He again suggested doing the same actions as before.

"Nah I'm good standing over here." I say refusing to move from my spot. God knows what might happen if I move closer to him.

"Whatever you say Mayonnaise." He gives us walking over to me and swiftly placing a tender kiss on my cheek; causing me to fall back slightly. 

"Wha-What was that for!?" I stuttered my face going a deeper shade of red.

"A kiss for luck May, what did you think it was?" A cheeky smile landed on his face as he saw mine go red. 

"Uh, nothing..." I trailed off, softly touching the white skirt I was wearing. 

"But don't worry May, everything will go smoothly and before you know it Cam will be having the hell of his lifetime." He reassured me, gazing into my eyes.

"May! David! Come on, the lawyer wants us to be there by 5:00 P.M and I don't want to be late!" I heard my mum call out to us as we snapped out of the little moment we were having.

"Okay!" David and I yelled back rushing down the stairs. 

The real battle was about to begin.

And I am not going to lose.


Hey my lovelies! 

How has your day/night been? I hope it was good!!! 

Sorry for the late update, I went camping and only came back last night, I was so exhausted that I slept till 12:00 PM in the afternoon......BUT HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

We are now heading into another year of our lives so make it the best one! Fill this year(2016) with many happy memories and take up challenges because you never know what is ahead of you:) 2015 is finished so leave all your bad memories in 2015 and carry on the good ones; it will make you a happier person. HAPPY NEW YEAR! And may God bless all of you:)

*Book will be finished in a week-only 3 more chapters at max*



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