Chapter 2: Do I have to go???

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The rest of the afternoon was pretty boring and stressful because I didn't know how to react to other people that I don't know. What happens if they think I am smelly? Or if I am a crazy weirdo that brings a book where ever I go? Or maybe they would just ignore me so I can read in peace in the 'Youth Group.' I sigh and that very second my mum's cheer full face popped through the front door. Her long gold earrings got caught in her hair and I slowly approached her; untangling the earring from her hair. She smiles at me and says, "Ready to go to the Youth Group Today?" I mentally kick myself in the brain because if I hadn't told her how much of a loner I was in school, she wouldn't have signed me up for Youth Group. I reply, taking my time as my finger gets wrapped with my mum's light brown hair.

"Hmmmmm, yeah but do I have to go?" I whine, hoping she would show at least some sympathy towards me. But she doesn't. That's another thing about my mum, when she has her mind set on a task there is no backing down even if it was a life and death situation.

"Yes May, we have had this conversation a couple of days ago and there is nothing wrong with going! If someone is bullying you or harassing you in any way just tell me. Is there someone that has hurt your feelings? Is that why you don't want to go?" She looks at me with only concern in her eyes. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. My father just died when I was a couple of months old and that had taken a big toll on my mother. I also have 2 bigger sisters but whenever I ask them about dad they just say 'You need to grow up to understand' I am 16 years old for goodness sake; I am old enough to understand. Unless you want me to be 40. If that's when you will tell me about dad I would happily turn 40 any second.

"No, mum I just don't want to go."

"Well, honey this is a good chance for you to develop some friends and I would rather have you try something new, than have no friends and only developing fictional boyfriends. I know moving from California was hard for you. But I need you to understand that I will be here and if something does go wrong or if someone does make you feel uncomfortable you can tell me. You know that right?" I shrug. not able to cope with this outburst to emotions from my mum. I simply look down and state,

"Yes." She smiles. A real and genuine smile before becoming her old self again.

"Okay, ummm there is lasagna in the freezer could you please pop that in the oven, and set it to 250 degrees and wait for the oven to heat up before putting it in there." She pauses slightly her eyes roaming around the house probably wondering what else she needs to tell me. She shakes her head slightly and walks towards the bathroom, Her head suddenly perks up and yells out,

"I am taking a shower and..... gosh am I forgetting something. Oh yeah I remember now. WEAR OVEN MITTS I DON'T WANT YOU TO BURN YOUR HAND WHILE PUTTING THE LASAGNA IN THE OVEN!" I shake my head and burst out laughing before also yelling out,

"OF COURSE WILL, JUST BECAUSE I BURNT IT ONCE DOESN'T MEAN IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!!" That's right. Stupid me decided to listen to music, dance and cook at the same time. So as I was waltzing around the room holding the lasagna in the baking dish; and bobbing my head to the song 'Don't Stop'' By 5SOS. I opened the oven and put my hand with the lasagna. It was so freaking hot I almost died. I smile warmly at the flashback.

I did what I was told to do then once again I started worrying about 'Youth Group.' I finally decided to get changed because it was 5:30 and Youth Group started at 6:30. My mum hadn't come out of the shower but I knew she was straightening her hair because whenever she does she pokes and burns herself. And judging from the sounds coming out of the bathroom such as Ow or Urgh she was straightening her hair.

I changed into a baby pink top with a layer of lace near the neck and denim blue jeans gave the outfit a classy appearance. I still had my warm fuzzy home boots on and I wasn't going to change them until I was out of the house. After 10 minutes the oven made a 'ting' sound implying that the lasagna had been finished cooking.

Soon enough my mum came out of the bathroom with her hair dead straight(Just as I said) wearing one of her casual outfits. She had on a pair of dark navy jeans and a yellow and blue checkered top. We both march down the stairs and happily ate the lasagna until my mum says,

"Honey, the time is 6:15 and you now have to go 'Youth Group' and guess what I will make a guest appearance and come with you!" I groan and my eyes nearly bulge out out of their sockets.

"WHAT? Mum you can't come!"

"Why not I even straightened my hair just for you." She pouts and tries to do a 'cute' face.

"You can drop me but just don't come with me." I say pleading.

"No, I want to see why you are making such a big fuss and I can talk to the manager to keep and eye on you if you feel insecure." You're insecure, don't know what for..... That One Direction song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the night. Samantha and her One Direction obsession.

"Okay, fine you can come. Just don't tell anyone anyone about me because I don't want to seem any weirder than I normally am." I cringe at myself saying those words.

" Yay! And Honey your not weird at all. Not at all."

I grab the Iron King by Julie Kagawa, put on a pair of pink flats and leave Peppa Pig' home, where I would spend the rest of the night if it wasn't for this 'Youth Group.'

How do you like that Chapter??? Sorry it's taken a long time to update I had to study for Half Yearly Exams and it was soooooo boring!! But now their done. Yay!!!! I am so sorry about the Grammatical Errors I was watching Harry Potter and typing at the same Time!!! I love Multitasking.

This chapter is dedicated to SageTheHerb because of your love of One Direction, 5SOS and your grammatically/spelling brain. Without you I would never have a full time book-obsessed brain.

Please keep COMMENTING, VOTING AND PLEASE FOLLOW!!!! You guys make my day....

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