Chapter 30: You can tell me everything.

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Why would he want me anyways? I wasn't a good kisser, I'm a weirdo, he hates me. He wanted to get into your pants. Sammy's words whisper in my head.

"May, I am so, so, so sorry." Sammy trembled as we hugged. We were two best-friends with broken hearts.

And we needed a plan, something to distract us from all this pain.

"Sammy?" I asked wiping mucus off my nose with a tissue I found in my pocket.

"Hmmmm?" She sniffled looking at me with large, doe eyes.

"I have a plan,"

"And what is that?" She whispered back.



Gripping my third and fourth period books I walk over to the science rooms and grouchily take a seat. I still can't believe Cam would do something like that to me!

I thought he liked me better than that.

I know I kissed David but I stopped. I didn't have sex with him because I knew it was wrong. Cam could've broken up with me, that would've been better than this.

Especially Sammy, oh, poor Sammy.

"May are you listening?" I heard Ms Kleiny snap at me, making me focus on her glasses that were falling off her very long nose.

"Uh yeah.." I mumble staring at my hands tightly clenched underneath the desk.

"May, just please stop mumbling and answer the question, did you listen for the past half hour of the lesson?" Glancing up at Ms Kleiny I say,

"Yes Ms, I was listening," However Ms wasn't buying it, instead she wanted to further torment me and and ask what we have been learning for the past half hour. Briefly meeting her cold blue eyes I read off my textbook that was open to the page we were studying about. Reading line by line off the page Ms started fuming, closing the textbook shut and staring at me right in the eye.

"I have had enough of your behaviour, you will have a detention today afternoon, get out of this class and go to the office!" She screamed at me, making the whole class look at me in surprise. I couldn't blame them, after all I was the type of girl who loved to be invisible, never the one to backchat, never to stand up for myself.

I guess I was changing.

With a shrug I grab my books and make my way over to the office without saying a single word, only to find David leaning against the lockers and flirting with a random chick.

"Uh, I need to go to the office..." I said awkwardly to David who had his tongue shoved in that girl's mouth.

"And who are you to interrupt this?" The dumb bimbo sneered glaring at me with her nasty green eyes. She would've looked really pretty if it weren't for her twisted evil features. But I wasn't in the mood for David's business and if I ever find out he knows about Cam and his dirty little secret I will personally rip off his ballsack and feed it to himself as I had once said.

"I am May, once nerd now rebel, please let me go to the office before I kill you both." I started crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at both of them.

"Okay, Haley, see you tomorrow, usual time and same place," David winked at the bimbo named Haley before throwing an arm around my shoulders and navigating us to the office.

"Uh could you get your arm off my shoulders," I demanded trying to move his arm off my shoulders but it refused to budge.

"No can do May, now tell me why you are going to the office, I didn't think I had it in you my little nerd." He questioned, staring at me with those intense blue eyes of his; and I had to stop blushing at the fact that he called me his little nerd.

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