Chapter 23: Punching Him Seemed Fun

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"Do I have a choice?" I gave an eye roll to him but he just smirked and said,

"You always have a choice." But I had a feeling that there was another meaning to his words.

"May, how has your makeout session been with Cam? I mean I am pretty sure you are a virgin." Cristina commented. But she wasn't done yet,

"-Again saying that your mother did cheat on your father. No wonder you are so preserved May."

It took me approximately 3 milliseconds to punch her in the face.

With that the restaurant date was over.


"Cam, thanks for the ride." I said awkwardly.

"No problem," With lightning speed he pecked my lips leaving me dazed as his car sped off. Blinking once or twice I opened the house door and entered.

"Mum? Are you home?" I asked into the still air, my mum is probably sleeping.

"Of course I'm home! Where else would I be?"My mum replied out of nowhere, then I saw where she was. Near the fridge grabbing a box of cookies in the dark.

"Maybe the bedroom eating cookies?" I teased her slightly, earning a grin from her.

"So how was the date?" She asked the question I've been dreading.

"I was good." I replied vaguely. Dismissing the question with the wave of my hand. But my mum caught on. Thanks to the stupid jeans that Cristina spilt her stupid coke on.

"Sweetie! What happened to your jeans!" My mum questions with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh, nothing, Cam accidentally spilt some coke on my jeans." She looked at me wearily but dismissed it off.

"We will talk about your date tomorrow, kay?" She said while yawning.

"Okay, goodnight mum." I walk over to her and give her a hug, her frail arms wrapping around my body.

"Goodnight May, mum loves you." And with that she went to her bedroom whilst I started walking to mine.


Groaning softly I opened my eyes at the sound of my alarm. Oh ma gosh! School! Sitting abruptly I rub my eyes only to realise that it was a Saturday. Smiling like a cheshire cat I plop back onto my bed and on I go to dreamland. At around 10:00 a.m I wake up but only to go on my phone; I mean who doesn't check their wattpad account in the morning? Checking all my notifications I read some updates on books I love. What better way to start the morning? Brushing my teeth I put on my 'rebellious' and my 'dark' clothes. Black boots, grey shirt, black ripped jeans, leather black jacket and my outfit was ready. Outlining my eyes with a heavy eyeliner and a nude lip to match I was ready for the day.

As I walked to the kitchen my mum dropped the piece of french toast she was eating.

"May! What happened to you!" Oops, I forgot she didn't know about the stage I was going through.

"I just decide to change my fashion sense." She grinned widely for some weird reason I didn't know about.

"I am shocked to say the least, but, May; this look suits you!"

"Errr thanks mum." I said unsure, confused about her outburst.

"Sorry May but I've gotta go to works, the staff called me in." She says with an apologetic look on her face.

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