Chapter 33: Kiss Number Two

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"I am so sorry," He apologised, but for what?

"For what?"

"Did I apologise? Ha, um, I was just lost in my own little world, you know how I can be..." He nervously tried to cover up his tracks of the previous conversation.

"Um okay?" I said carefully.

"Great goodnight." He said forcefully and ended the call.

Weird, and most importantly, David has many secrets, I know that, but what secrets about my dad.

Because I knew something was up.

And I was going to find out. 


Forcing my eyes open I slam my hand onto my alarm, willing for it to stop ringing. Another boring day at school. I wore my rebellious clothes as usual and grabbed a container of greek yogurt before walking out the door, slamming it with a thud.

To my surprise, as I entered the bus I was greeted my my 'boyfriend'.

"Hey baby doll," David grinned at me, his eyes roaming all over my body.

"Baby doll?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, my new nickname for you." 

"Yeah, cause I am soooooo doll like," I drawled out sarcastically taking a seat next to him.  

"Yeah, with those pretty lips of yours and that gorgeous blush you are wearing right now," He complimented with a wink; satisfying that blush on my cheeks. 

"Hey David, ummmm, what should I wear to the party?" I asked as the bus neared our school.

"I would advise something scandalous, after all you want to make Cam jealous don't you?-" He teased before continuing,

"-But on a serious note, a dress would be good, or a skirt....maybe even booty shorts," 

"Cause you would love to see my ass everywhere," I cut him off eyeing him wearily.

"You have no idea baby doll," He replied cockily, punching me lightly in the shoulder. 

"So bye David, see you in class or something," I said dismissively as I tried to open my locker. 

"Getting rid of me so soon?" He smirked still staying here.

"What do you want now?" I sighed.

"Come on May, we need to put on a show...Cristina and her cheerleaders are over there, don't you want to make them jealous?"

"Yeah, but what are we gonna do-" He cut me off by placing his lips over my own in a very chaste kiss. Closing my eyes all rational thought's flew out of my head as David's lips moved on mine. I grabbed his jacket, my hands climbing to his soft brown hair and knotting into it. He snaked his arms around my waist bending his head ever so slightly, letting the baby hairs scattered across his forehead to tickle mine. Just as quickly as it had begun David put some distance between us; a frown appearing on his face. 

" What?" I asked after calming my racing heart. What the hell had possessed me?  

"Nothing my baby doll, the kiss had the perfect effect I see," He dismissed urging me to turn around so I could see Cristina's face. And there it was, the jealousy stained all over her face. Smiling cockily I turn to David and whisper into his ear,

"Thank you," With that he disappeared into the swarm of students. 

*20  M I N U T E S  L A T E R*

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