Chapter 10: Partners

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This FANTABLOUS cover at the side is by: woopsydaysee and I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for putting soooo much effort into it!!!


"Hi Marianne! How was the art expo thingy yesterday?" Oh yeah, Marianne had a Creative Arts Expo where the gifted and talented students from the art group could show their talent to each-other. Marianne happened to be extremely gifted in that department therefore she was chosen to represent her art class at the expo.

"Oh yeah, the art expo was cool. There were a-lot of cute boys." She says, wiggling her eyebrows at us. Sammy and I let out a laugh before I spoke,

"Cute boys huh? Any that suited you?" I question Marianne, but before Marianne could speak Sammy butted into the conversation,

"No, the question is are there any cute boys suited for me?" We all giggled and laughed for a while, whilst the rest of the students were walking into the homeroom. Today is going to be a long day.


"Good morning students! How has your weekend been?" Miss Lilly-Scotts happily asked our homeroom but the whole homeroom replied monotonously,

"It was good Miss."

"That's great! Now I will mark the roll so please be quiet as I do,

Lalya." Layla the quiet aisan that sat at the back replied with a 'here'. I didn't have to wait for long for my name to be called out since my last name is 'Landon'; meaning my name is in the middle of the roll. After that Miss Lilly-Scotts read out the notices but only one notice applied to me. This notice made me have a heart attack,

"All students in the class of 8.5(Period two art) have a project to complete by the end of this month. You will be paired with a boy from another class. The name of your partner will be put down on this list." Our homeroom teacher read out to us; both Sammy and Marianne happened to be engrossed in their conversation meaning that my ears perked up when Miss Lilly-Scotts read out the list,

"Lucy and Brandon"

"Mary-Jane and Harry"

"Brillia and Tommy"

"May and Cameron" OMG!!! Was fate playing with us or something!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I AM PARTNERED WITH MY CRUSH!!! YAY!!!

"GUYS!!! Did you hear that notice!"I asked my friends that were too engrossed in their conversation but my voice was trying to keep my excitement to a normal extent.

"What?" They both ask simultaneously eyeing me with a curious expression.

"Ummmmm, I GOT PARTNERED WITH CAMERON FOR A PROJECT!" Their heads snapped towards me before they let out a delighted squeal!

"OMG! I am soooo happy for you; but if Cameron does anything, and I mean anything to hurt you at all I will personally cut off his baby-making tool and feed it to himself." Sammy told me with a hard tone at the end of her sentence. After all; she is the only person that knows about Colton. My sweet innocent ex- boyfriend.

" Okay, okay Sammy. I will make sure Cameron doesn't try to hurt me." I told her, a teasing tone hinting at the end of my sentence.

"You better be." She said gravely.

"Hey you too! Whatcha you talking about?" Marianne asks us. Sammy and I both try to cover up tracks of the previous conversation because Marianne didn't know anything about it. She didn't need to know anything. It was good this way.

"DID YOU KNOW I GOT PARTNERED WITH CAMERON!!!" I squealed at them both, momentarily forgetting about our previous conversation.

"OMG! You lucky girl!" Marianne said while twisting the end of her french braid around her slim finger. Did I just call fingers slim? Hmmmm, I don't think you are meant to call fingers 'slim'. That's right! You call fingers/ hands dainty. '...Around her dainty finger.' Makes much more sense. WAIT! Am I having a conversation in my brain about fingers?

"Yeah, I know!" I snapped out of my delirium and answered Marianne. Sammy and Marianne quickly resumed talking about whatever they were talking about before I interrupted them; I wanted to read the 'Iron King' but then remembered that I left it at Youth Group. Stupid Youth Group, you make my life soooo hard. I was about to throw a tantrum like a 2 year old who lost a lolly-pop but the bell caught me and off I was to English. I bid my friends goodbye, skipped(More like fell) down the stairs and went up the BM rooms. I quickly found my English room and by then I probably looked a clown and an oompa loompa mixed together. But I didn't care; CAMERON WAS MY PARTNER!!!

English was a breeze as usual, but the thought of my crush being my Visual Arts partner left me jumping in my seat. There was only 5 minutes until the bell rings for VA and my English partner was noticing a slight shift in my mood. And be 'slight' I mean overly excited.

"Hey, May. You okay?" Walter; the nerd sitting next to me asked me as he pushed his blue glasses up closer to his eyes. I couldn't contain the broad smile that was taking over my face whilst saying,

"Yeah, just really excited to go to Visual Arts!" He gives me a concerned look before his red hair fell into his eyes and he focused his attention onto the teacher. Just as I was about to pack up, (considering that there was only 1 more minute until the bell rings) Ms Smith, our English teacher decides to give us homework. Ugh. I quickly opened up my school diary wrote down the homework instructions.

"Class, there is homework and I expect it to be done by next Tuesday. Is that okay?" Ms Smith asks the class,

"Yes Ms Smith." The whole class calls out in unison. Finally, the bell rings and I make my way down to the art rooms. Nothing could stop this day from being almost perfect. Almost being the key word.


Heyyyy, my lovelies,

How has your day(Or night) been? I AM SUPER SORRY ABOUT THE LATE UPDATE!!! This is the longest time I have gone without updating and I usually give you a crap excuse about the lateness of my updates(But those excuses are true!!!) but I have decided that I will give the reason to why I didn't update this month( I think I haven't updated in a month.) I just have been lazy for the past week and studying has been hard since I have sooo many exams coming up in the next 3 weeks. THEN IT IS HOLIDAYS(Only for 2 weeks) PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! Plus being a 13 year old is very hard, not to mention stressing.


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This chapter is dedicated to.....@paintandpastels becuase she if my 40 follower and as you know I always give out a dedication for my 10th follower(Or 40th in this case:)- Thankyou.

SORRY FOR THE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS(I actually NEVER edit; I just write it out then do a spell check and then publish it... Not once have I read over my work- Not even once)


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