Chapter 34: Bad Feeling

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"Could I pick you up at...let's say...quarter past six?" Eagerly he asked.

"I'll just ask my mum and confirm after school okay?" Why was he so excited to go out with me? His face lit up with a smile before he placed a soft kiss against my lips, seeing wether I would respond. Fumbling my lips on his I quickly ended it. Forcing a smile on my face.

"Well see you after school," I told him as the bell rang.

"Bye Maybae," I have never hated that nickname more; but another thought surprised me.

I just got kissed for the second time by both the boys who were 'wrapped around my finger'.


Sighing softly, I held up my magenta skater skirt and a black midriff top with lace detailing, giving my outfit a classy but casual look. Going for the more casual look I pair the outfit with my black docmartins; applying a sheer nude gloss, throwing my hair up in a messy bun too. Why did my mum have to put me in the Youth Group!? And why does David have to be there too! Well, there was no use wondering about it. My life was turning into a soap opera and here is why:

1. I was in the Youth Group, in which my mother forced me to go. Not the greatest place for a awkward nerd...

2. David, my ex best-friend was there, did I forget to mention he is the popular one in my new school!?

3. I was practically obsessing over David's best-friend, Cam; in which I was dating until I found out he was a man-whore and almost raped my best-friend.

4. Because of this I was in revenge mode which consisted of me dating David to make Cam's manwhoriness exposed to the whole world. Well not the whole world... maybe just the school.

5. Today, I was going to the Youth Group, meeting David and then going out with Cam, in hopes to play him, just like he did with me.

When did my life get so crazy!? I knew I should've stayed in California....

"Mum, is it time to go yet?" I called out, hearing the click of my mum's heels making way to my room.

"Yes sweetie," She gently said, pushing the door slightly so she could enter. Coming up behind me she pinned up a few stray hairs that were floating around at the base of my neck as we both gazed into the reflection in the mirror. Everyone had always told me I looked like my mum but I could never see it; however this time, I did look like my mum. Admiring the reflections for a few more seconds I turn around to see my mum's delicate hand lingering on my shoulder.

"Mum?" I asked softly, just as her eyes glazed over with tears.

"May, I am so proud of you, you are turning into the woman I had always dreamed you would become," She said sincerely, a smile forming on her face.

"Thanks mum, I love you,"

"Love you too, now let's get going before this get's awkward and weird for the both of us," She announced. I grabbed my denim jacket and with that we both left the house, on our way to the Youth Group.

"Oh, mum! I forgot to ask, can I go out today after Youth Group!?" I hurriedly asked as we neared the stop. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about going out with Cam, a couple weeks ago I would've been dying for this day.

"Who are you going with?"

"Uhhhh, Cam..." I said ashamedly, scratching the back of my neck lightly.

"Andy why are you going out with him?" Her eyes narrowed down at me.

"Uh um, he said he wanted to show me something." I try to explain but the thing is, I don't know why Cam want's to meet me.

Youth Group *COMPLETED* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now