Chapter 1: Peppa pigs house

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* 1  Y E A R  A G O: 2014*

I walked up the hill to my so called 'new' home. Like literally. My 'new' house was up a hill, have you watched the T.V show Peppa Pig? Well my 'new' house is exactly like that; you see 2 weeks ago I was living perfectly fine in my cosy house in Southern California, I had friends, a social life and of course no girls dream is complete without a huge wardrobe that was stuffed with designer jeans, dresses and shirts. But in reality I was now stuck here. In the middle of Bathurst, Australia. With no other company other than the harsh heat and wildlife who liked to bite me; a lot.

My legs were aching as I got pricked by all the cactus' that suddenly decided to branch out as walked near them. It was almost 3:30 and even with my school cap on the Sun left me no shade, my water bottle ran out of water and my phone is officially dead. To think that is the worst of it you are wrong. Today is the day that my mum has decided to send me to a Youth Group. The one friend I have in school thinks that going to a Youth Group is fun and exciting. Well to her it is.

Her name is Samantha but everyone calls her Sammy for short. She is a typical Australian with orange hair like wildfire, freckles scattered near the nose and a strange mix of blue and green eyes. Of course she likes Youth Group! I mean, she is the most social girl I know to this day, she isn't scared of a thing and loves to talk to new people. That's how she became friends with me. But me on the other hand...... I was basically a wimp until it comes talking about books, I could talk about books forever and ever and ever... well you get the point. I really don't need to go to the stupid Youth Group, I will happily be holed up in my room reading books and talking about fictional boyfriends all day long. My mum on the other hand has other plans for my future, she wants me to be independent, free and strong willed.

I pant as I take the final steps to my 'new' house and stare at it. Sure it was pretty and most of the other girls were jealous of my house but I seriously like my old house.(The one up in California) This house was a mansion and from my room the view was spectacular, thanks to the hill. I am actually pretty sure that Peppa Pig has a spectacular view from her house too.

My mum wouldn't be home today and my dad was off somewhere in Heaven so it was just me this afternoon. I stepped through the door as the cold tiles greet me when I chucked my shoes off. I took a long look at myself in the mirror. I had wavy brown hair with some natural blond streaks running through it. My hair itself was in a high ponytail and familiar blue eyes greeted me through the mirror. My cheeks had flushed pink due to all that climbing and my clothes looked like a mess. In 'Bathurst High School' it was compulsory to wear a uniform on sport days whereas in California you could wear whatever you want. My white polo shirt was drenched with sweat and so were my aqua shorts. I shrug and quickly take a shower, scrubbing off all the dirt because if I wanted to fit in with the youth group a smelly odor won't do.

After the shower I put on my favourite pink robe and sat in front of my plasma flat screen T.V. My room in the 'new' house was a little bigger than average so it fit all of the following: A wall mounted T.V, a king sized bed with fitted sheets and pillows featuring Paris, a mahogany desk holding a table lamp and last but not least my bookshelf. Most girls my age would absolutely love the T.V and bed but really my favourite place is the corner near the bookshelf itself. My mum is filthy rich so she lets me get whatever I want whenever I want. Even if it is two in the morning. All I really ask for is books and when I finish High-School I will become an author. My bookshelf is white with shelves holding at least 66 books.Before I forget I put my I-Phone on charging, sat on the bed and turned on the T.V. Once the plasma came to life the show about how my house looks came on. Well, you guessed it; Peppa Pig.

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