Chapter 32: Something is up

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"You cold?" David finally asked after watching me squirm for 10 minutes. 

"Uh-huh," I said, giving him one of my innocent angelic faces.

"Here," He handed over his leather jacket, making sure I put it on. It was big, warm and full of holes that I loved to pick, it smelt like him as well.

I have decided something.

I like David's jacket.

And that might be step one to my revenge plan...


"Hey David?" I asked taking small bites out of my ice-cream sandwich.


"What would you say if I told you I wanted to take revenge out on Cam..." I trailed off looking for his expression.

"I wouldn't be proud, but, hey, he's gonna get it easy because you wouldn't have it in you to ruin someone else's life." He said with a shrug, licking his mango gelato.

"What if I dragged you into it?" I tried to ask casually although this was a serious topic. I was practically asking him to turn against his best friend!

"What do you mean by that?" He stopped licking his gelato, giving me his full attention.

"You know..if you and I..." I tried to delay the topic however he wasn't buying it.

"You and I what?"

"You know...dated..." I spit out, trying not to look him in the eye.

"Dated?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me, causing a blush to tint my already red cheeks.

"Not dated-dated, fake dated, the type where the people don't fall in love and just to let you know, this isn't going to be like a book-especially a Wattpad novel-where the player and the nerdy girl fall in love or anything like that. Like no, no way-" David cut of my ramble by shoving a spoon of his gelato into my mouth. My eyes widened immediately as I realised that this was the spoon he was eating with.

"Ewwww!" I squeal trying to remove the spoon from my mouth as soon as I could. Although, we all know that I enjoyed that.

"You know you enjoyed that May, after all you are my girlfriend," He smirks once again at my distaste.

"So you are my fake boyfriend!?" I asked shocked, I wouldn't expect him to turn again his best-friend, especially because of a girl like me!

"Sure, why not? After all, Cam hurt you and you are the only person after my family that he can't hurt, so yes, I will be part of your revenge plot." He said with a hint of sadness.

"Thank you so much David, I hope you don't regret it at all." I say with sincerity.

"No problem, and by the way, are you going to finish that ice-cream sandwich?" 

And just to my luck, the ice-cream had melted all over my tissue. 

R.I.P: Ice-cream sandwich. I thought as I chucked the tissue into the bin, sniffling a bit.

"May you want me to buy you another one?" David asked concernedly, watching me with those wide blue eyes of his.

"No it's okay," I said sadly, walking away from the shop with David's arm slung around my shoulders. 

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