Chapter 28: Math Test

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"I would come over but my cousin Frank is over and he is the most annoying thing ever," Sammy groaned and I heard in the background a male voice yelling: Sammy come here!

"Well, see you next week at school okay?" I said noticing that she needed to go.

"Sorry for not being there, I really am a crappy friend."

"No! You are the best friend possible and I love you, have fun with Frank!" I tried to sound cheerful but I failed.

"Stay strong May and I love you too, bye!" And I heard the phone line go dead.

Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep, not wanting the day to come.


"Ugh..." I mumbled into my pillow as my phone buzzed. Why did the weekend have to be so short!? Groggily opening my eyes I find my phone and off the alarm, once again shoving my head into my pillow. After another 15 minutes of laying in my bed I decide to get up, after all, it's not like I can prevent going to school. I will have to see Cam and David sooner or later, better to get it done sooner.

Slipping on my slippers I make my way to the bathroom throw my hair in a messy bun and begin brushing whilst doing a little dance to the song: Crank That by Soulja Boy. After all that jazz, I put on the standard winged eyeliner and put on a different rebellious outfit. It was getting warm in Australia and I guessed it wasn't a good time to wear black leather jacket along with leather pants and a black shirt. Putting on a pair of blue jean shorts I slip on a black loose top, put my hair up into a messy bun and shove my feet into a pair of doc martins whilst grabbing my backpack.

I looked semi-badass.


Grabbing a yogurt I had left in the fridge from late night Thursday shopping I quickly ate that and shoved food and books into my bag,leaving the house and catch the first available bus, I close my eyes and pop my earphones into my ears blasting the song: Cheerleader by OMI. I loved this song, it always seems to put me into a good mood. After what seems like ages I arrive at school, nervous, excited, anxious all in one. What would Cam think of me!? And David probably thinks I am in love with him or something which is so not the case! In my process of freaking out I didn't realise that Cristina was walking up to me with a smirk on her face. That only meant one thing. She was meant to torment me.

"Hey period girl, how was your weekend?" She greeted me, resulting in my locker door slamming shut.

"Good? Why? You have no friends to spend it with?" I asked in a sickeningly sweet voice although I was telling the biggest lie out there. Cristina was popular and I could see her minions behind her, giggling and acting all dumb.

"Nah, I have the perfect friends unlike you.....I was just wondering about your well being," She said high pitched girly voice.

"I am fine now if you don't mind I have other places to be and other places to see." I started, grabbing my books and walking off; however, Cristina's arm shot out and grabbed my arm in a death hold.

"Just so you know, lay your sluttish body off David. You may have Cam trapped in your embrace but David is mine. So don't even try to look at him." She threatened as I flinched at the mention of a slut. If only she knew what happened yesterday...

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