Chapter 25: Duties Of A Boyfriend

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Chapter 25:


I was wearing a flower dress that stopped just mid thigh and I left my hair out in loose waves. Looking innocent instead of the rebel.

"Hi Cindy! How are you all?" My mum asks Cindy. Katherine looked absolutely gorgeous in that white dress and her hair up in a bun. She would definitely become a model when she is older.

"Hey David and Katherine," I said, not wanting to be the awkward person I usually am.

"Hey May!" Katherine exclaims giving me a hug.

"Hey May. Are you feeling alright?" David asks, giving me a awkward side hug.

Let the awkwardness begin.


"Yeah, I'm good," I replied out of my trance.

"Hi Katherine and David!" Mother said, gushing at how cute Katherine looks and how handsome David seems to be.

"Hello Lara!" Katherine greeted in that adorable voice of hers.

"Hi sweetie, are you okay?" My mum asked Katherine picking her up and cooing at her. Katherine let little bubbles of giggles escape her mouth; how cute is she!

"Hello Lara," David says in that sexy voice of his. May, his voice is not sexy!

"Hello to yourself," Mum says, winking at him.

This is gross.

"In the name of the father..." The priest beings as the mass starts.

After about 35 minutes we were required to shake hands with each other as a sign of peace.

I was used to this act of peace, problem was, I wasn't used to touching David's hand.

"Peace be with you May," David says reaching for my hand.

"Peace be with you," I return shaking his hand.

His hand was so warm, whilst mine was ice-cold warming me up from the inside to out. At least his heat was transferring to mine, not the other way around. I thought, thinking of my heat assignment for science.

Awkwardly letting my hands drop to my side I focused my attention on the priest. Momentarily forgetting about my problems.


"Bye Cindy, David and Katherine! Hope to see you some other time," Mum says grabbing my hand and crossing the road.

"Bye!" They all yell simultaneously.

"Hmmm, that David boy sure has grown up to be a hottie." Mother says while winking at me, gosh she was thinking about this and not about the fact that he happened to call me fat?

"Mum, you do know that he called me fat right?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Sweetie, I know that in the twenty-first century that young kids have codenames. Maybe fat was a codename for beautiful or something," Mum stated with a wave of her hand.

"Or he could have literally called me fat?" I question back, moving the strand of hair that had managed to stick to my lip-glossed lips.

"Sure sure, but I know for a fact that he is head over heels for you," She said as we approached a roundabout.

"So why on Earth would he let me go out with his best-friend?" I queried, wanting to know about the knowledge of my mother.

"He might have wanted to let Cam have his happy days before he got you. And I have a bad feeling about this Cam." Shuddered my mum.

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