Chapter 38: Stuttering Cristina

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"I would be glad, more than glad, our friendship was thrown out of the window as soon as he laid his filthy hand out of the window. I would love it if you made a lawsuit."

"Glad you approve, Cam that son of a bi-" He cut me off by placing a finger on my lips before saying,

"Hey no swearing!" An evil glint appeared in his eye making me remember all the times I had cut him off for swearing.

Cam you better watch out. This 'relationship' just got a whole lot of drama.


After a few days I was allowed to go back to school and resume my regular routine. My mother and David were against me going to school but I told them I needed to face my fears.

I was going to become stronger. 

And Cam weaker.

Brushing my hair for the first time after the...incident, I get ready to go to school. I ditched the 'badass' look, not willing to impress anyone anymore. If anyone was to be impressed it should be me. I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with holes in the knee caps as well as a white sleeveless shirt and a nude jacket. Quickly putting on the outfit I grab some toast and put a ton of butter on it before adding the slightest amount of vegemite. Grabbing my bag I exit the house; not ready to face the torment at school. 

Shivering slightly, I call my mum as soon as I board the bus. My mum has become incredibly paranoid ever since the rape. She won't let my go out of the house without asking me several questions as well as making sure I am with someone at all times. 

David to be exact. 

She has every right to be paranoid since Cam is still on the loose. Today was the day where the lawsuit for Cam would begin and boy, I was more than excited. That bastard deserved all the jail time in the world. Shaking myself out of these morbid thoughts I look outside, seeing the breeze pick up a empty coke can and throwing it far across the road. 

How your life can change in one second.

Biding a goodbye to the bus driver I walk to school, trying to ignore the stares given to me by numerous people. Before I was a nobody and now almost the whole school seemed to be staring at me, and not for the good way. God knows what these people heard and I was 100% sure that Cristina was spreading rumours about what happened. Sammy and David are probably the only 2 people in this school who actually know what happened. Sammy came to visit me like the best-friend she was whilst I was in hospital. And boy was she pissed; she claimed she was gong to cut off his balls with a pair of pilers and feed it to himself. 

Grabbing my art and music books I head over to the library, knowing Sammy would find me considering that the library was my second home. What I didn't expect was for Cristina and her minions to be in the library itself.

"Hello slut, how was your one-night stand with Cam," She sneered at me whilst her friends glared at me like the dramatic soap opera they pretended to be in. Tears blurred my vision, she didn't even know what had happened yet she was still accusing me!

"Cristina could you please leave me alone," I whimper feeling a lone tear slip down my cheek. I really wasn't in the mood for this. All of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"David," I sigh looking up at him. He offered me a friendly smile then he faced his attention to Cristina.

"Please listen to May, don't annoy her, bother her, talk to her, heck don't even stand in her line of vision...she's had a rough couple of days so it would be appreciated  if you take your bitchy self somewhere else." 

"B-but David! She-she approached me!" She stuttered not used to have someone-especially David-shout at her. 

"I know for a fact that May didn't approach you so stay out of this and we will stay out of yours." He defended me pulling me tighter towards his body.

"Whatever losers," She sauntered off with her minions following her like the lap dogs they were. 

"Thanks so much David...I don't think I could've dealt with her today." I turned around so he was hugging me, my chest in his face.

"No problem May," He whispers as we stand near the door way to the library just hugging.

" Do you think that Cam will come to school today?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't think so....especially since we have art first period. You could be in our group if you like; I'm sure that Lucy wouldn't mind." He sincerely told, pulling back from our embrace making me wish he hadn't 

"May! David!" I heard a familiar voice call out to us and as soon as that happens I am swept into a pair of Sammy's.

"May! Are you okay! Don't worry if I see Cam anytime soon I will not hesitate to cut off his balls with a pair of pilers." Sammy announces making me laugh.

"Thanks for the offer Sammy but I am planning to put a lawsuit on Cam. My mum is contacting her lawyer right now," I tell her happily. Cam was going to get what he deserved.

And with that we all(even David) walked together to homeroom.


Hey my lovelies! 

How has your day/night been? I hope it was good:)


Sorry about the filler chapter but about 3-4 more chapters till this book finishes:( So it will be done by end of December! Get ready for a lot of updates!!!!!



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